Hi Jason/folks,

Do you know how to generate an FPGA image from Vivado GUI that includes an OOT 
block created using rfnocmodtool?

I created an OOT block using rfnocmodtool, run a testbench to verify that it 
was ok, then generated a bit file with the uhd_image_builder.py script and 
programmed it onto the USRP successfully: I could see the custom block listed 
among the RFNoC blocks.

However, when trying to create the same image from Vivado modifying the 
rfnoc_ce_auto_inst_x300.v file by including my own block and adding the 
dependent Verilog files to the design, even though I can run the 
synthesis/implementation and generate a bit file, after loading it to the URSP 
I can’t see any block.

Do you know whether I have to modify some extra files apart from the 
rfnoc_ce_auto_inst_x300.v? The purpose behind this is to build images of new 
OTT blocks using exclusively Vivado GUI.


Von: Jason Matusiak <ja...@gardettoengineering.com>
Datum: Freitag, 18. August 2017 um 18:42
An: "Torres Figueroa, Luis Angel" <luis.torres.figue...@rwth-aachen.de>, 
"usrp-users@lists.ettus.com" <usrp-users@lists.ettus.com>
Betreff: Re: [USRP-users] Building FPGA image

I'm glad you got it working.  There are a lot of critical warnings and things 
of that ilk that scroll by, but as long as you don't get any errors and your 
project meets timing, I wouldn't worry too much about them.

Happy FPGAing.

On 08/18/2017 09:26 AM, Torres Figueroa, Luis Angel wrote:
Hi Jason,

It worked. I downloaded the source files from rfnoc-devel branch in the 
repository again and build it without choosing the option you mentioned.

I have still some critical warnings, but the image has been correctly generated 
and I could use it in the URSP. Also, all the timing constraints were now met. 
Thanks for the advice!

ImplementationDesign Initialization
[Designutils 20-1280] Could not find module 'fifo_4k_2clk'. The XDC file 
 will not be read for any cell of this module.
[Designutils 20-1280] Could not find module 'axi_hb31'. The XDC file 
 will not be read for any cell of this module.
[Designutils 20-1280] Could not find module 'fifo_4k_2clk'. The XDC file 
 will not be read for any cell of this module.
[Common 17-55] 'set_property' expects at least one object. 
[Common 17-55] 'set_property' expects at least one object. 
[Common 17-55] 'set_property' expects at least one object. 


Von: Jason Matusiak 
Datum: Mittwoch, 16. August 2017 um 17:09
An: "Torres Figueroa, Luis Angel" 
Betreff: Re: [USRP-users] Building FPGA image

I've done it many times.  When you open it and you do a save-as of the project, 
make sure that you don't check the option box to copy the files over, you want 
to leave them in their current location.

On 08/16/2017 10:15 AM, Torres Figueroa, Luis Angel via USRP-users wrote:
Hi folks,

Has someone of you loaded the whole usrp_x310_fpga_RFNOC_HG design into Vivado 
2015.4 and created the FPGA image using its graphical Interface? I am still 
unable to do so.

I want to create a standard FPGA image using Vivado GUI.

I have first run the command “make X310_RFNOC_HG GUI=1”, saved the whole RTS 
design and reopened it as project mode, and then tried to create the bitstream 
from the GUI itself but it doesn’t work.

I have also tried adding the x300.v file, the constraints and all its dependent 
files into the design, and then done the synthesis, implementation and 
generated the bitstream, but when I loaded it onto the USRP I can’t recognize 
any block using the command uhd_usrp_probe. This is the error I get:

[ERROR] [UHD] Exception caught in safe-call.
  in virtual ctrl_iface_impl::~ctrl_iface_impl()
  at ~/uhd/host/lib/rfnoc/ctrl_iface.cpp:76
this->peek32(0); -> EnvironmentError: IOError: Block ctrl (CE_04_Port_70) no 
response packet - AssertionError: bool(buff)
  in uint64_t ctrl_iface_impl::wait_for_ack(bool)
  at ~/uhd/host/lib/rfnoc/ctrl_iface.cpp:197

Luis A. Torres


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