
I want to create an artificial audio drift in transmitter side and test it 
using my audio control loop in receiver. This is what I'm planning.

Take an audio wav file which is sampled at 12 kHz. Re sample it such that the 
sample rate is now having a drift of 100 ppm, ie with sample frequencies with 
an error up to 12000*100e-6 is 1.2Hz in case of 12kHz sample frequency. Now 
transmit this audio file  using Gnu radio and USRP.
Receiver does the channel decoding and audio decoding.
So in this most extreme case the receiver drifts with more than one sample per 
second, so after an hour it is drifted by 1.2*3600 = 4320 samples

If the receiver doesn't have an audio control loop then it will go into under 
run.  By enabling the audio control loop i can check the drift compensation.

Any suggestions on this method of testing.

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