Hi Vladimir,
You need to link with libusb. It seems to be needed regardless of whether you 
enable the sub module or not. 

Kind regards,
Joshua Sendall 

On 25 Sep 2017 6:18 PM, Vladimir via USRP-users <usrp-users@lists.ettus.com> 
wrote:[The e-mail server of the sender could not be verified (SPF Record)]Hello 
USRP team!

In our Linux application for quite a while we use some 3.10 version of UHD 
(which requires FPGA ver. 33) and it works fine. Now we want to use the same 
version in Windows app, to match the FPGA ver. But trying to build any of 3.10 
versions in MS Visual Studio 2013 (Release x64 cfg) I&#39;m getting two strange 
linking errors:

Error    500    error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol &#34;public: virtual 
__cdecl uhd::transport::usb_device_handle::~usb_device_handle(void)&#34; 
(??1usb_device_handle&#64;transport&#64;uhd&#64;&#64;UEAA&#64;XZ) referenced in 
function &#34;public: virtual void * __cdecl 
uhd::transport::usb_device_handle::&#96;vector deleting 
destructor&#39;(unsigned int)&#34; 

Error    501    error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol &#34;public: virtual 
__cdecl uhd::transport::usb_zero_copy::~usb_zero_copy(void)&#34; 
(??1usb_zero_copy&#64;transport&#64;uhd&#64;&#64;UEAA&#64;XZ) referenced in 
function &#34;public: void __cdecl uhd::transport::usb_zero_copy::&#96;vbase 

in file D:\VS\uhd\host\build\lib\usb_dummy_impl.obj

Looks like it&#39;s related with boost libs, which I&#39;m not familiar with. I 
switched to last boost 1.65.1 (started with 1.60 with the sme results), tried 
UHD, and some one in between like - all the same. 
Ver. 3.9.7 builds OK.

BTW, I use the following sequence to build boost:


b2 toolset&#61;msvc-12.0 address-model&#61;64

b2 toolset&#61;msvc-12.0 address-model&#61;64 --with-test link&#61;shared

As I see you have binaries for VC2013 available, obviously it should build 
correctly. Do you have any idea of what could be the problem here? I use MS 
Visual Studio 2013 Ultimate with Update 5.

Thank you!
Vladimir Pavlenko


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