Thanks Marcus,
                        So it appears that the synching of the SBX LOs doesn’t 
work; or perhaps I should say, it doesn’t work during my measurement period? 
The integer-N tuning doesn’t work either.

                        I can say that, with some level of precision, the phase 
is fairly constant with center-frequency but if, for example, I had a 5 MHz 
spectrum how could I ‘correct for that’? I be;ieve that there is the whole 
Hilbert transform issue when you wish to translate the phase/frequency of a 
band of signals to a different one –is that what I should use?

                        From my point of view, there is quite a 
misinterpretation of what ‘synchronistation’ means; in particular for SBXs and 
their LOs which, as advertised, are supposed to be capable of such operation 
with a few simple Python commands!.

                        Realising that you would/should not express some 
shortcoming in the SBX,N200,MIMO in an Ettus product , if there is, I would 
dearly like to know from someone from Ettus!!!! Purely from an outside point of 
view, I thought that the “ we’ll transfer the Time Of Day contents to the Mate 
over MIMO cable ” doesn’t actually mean that they are in ‘real time’ synch, 
from my old DMS-100 days bit was willing to go along with the theory. 
Seriously, I have no issue with that but just want to know how to get 2 N200r4 
streams with OB GPSDO & MIMO cable ‘synchronised’

                       I would love (but be embarrassed) to be told, that as a 
dummy, I made this mistake but in over a month of work I have not been able to 
establish that.

                      Kind Regards,


Sent: Wednesday, October 25, 2017 7:45 AM
To: John Shields
Cc: usrp-users
Subject: Re: [USRP-users] 2 N200 MIMO system phase offset varies with 
frequency, have used timed_command with tune and also integer-N Tuning per 
Marcus M post of Feb 17, 2016

I would expect component tolerance issues on the two sides to scale with 
frequency.  That may be what you're seeing?

On 2017-10-24 14:28, John Shields via USRP-users wrote:

      Still struggling with the configuration – 2x N200 r4, master O/B GPSDO, 
slave MIMO cable. Have put in python code to use timed commands and that 
produced a constant phase offset even over rerun of FG or power cycling on N200 
which was great news.

      However, the relative offset changes with frequency. The splitter is a 
Mini-circuits ZRFSC-123S+ which is spec-ed to has a typical of phase unbalance 
of 1/2 a degree over the frequency ranges used. The results are independent of 
source NWT 4000-1 or an SBX using uhd_siggen. When I have checked the 
ref_locked flags etc. they are good. the gpsdo is 'locked' as is MIMO.

      In addition to using the timed_commands to synch the SBX LOs, I also 
implement the integer-N-tuning and no improvement.

      The results are roughly    Freq (MHz)    Phase offset (deg)
                                              450                    -7
                                              1450                -30
                                              1950                -65
                                              2450                -100

      When I switch the cables between the 2 N200, the phase offset doesn't 
change sign so I presume it is not cabling? What on earth, else, could it be?

            Kind Regards,



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