30 okt. 2017 kl. 20:53 skrev Torbjörn Olsson <torbjorn.ols...@atletor.se>:


I am trying to make my E312 identify nearby transmitters by using the 
gr-inspector toolbox. So far I have managed to get the E312 to ”pipe” complex 
data to the host through ZMQ (based on the excellent instruction ”Streaming 
processed data from the E31x with GNU Radio and ZMQ” from Ettus Research). On 
the host I run gr-inspector blocks, which seems to work reasonably well (the QT 
GUI Inspector Sink frequency scale does not change, even if I change the 
frequency by the slider, but that is a minor issue).

As the gr-inspector suite also includes a block for Automatic Modulation 
Classification, AMC, (Tensorflow AMC Model) I am very excited to try that 
capability. But when I try to connect the grc blocks according to the 
illustration in gr-inspector git repository [1], I get a ’Type Error: data type 
”message” not understood’ when running the python script generated from my 
flowgraph [2].

When I then compare the illustration in the repository with my flowgraph I find 
that I do not have a ”dashed” arrow from my AMC Module back to the QT GUI 
Inspector Sink. My arrow is ”solid”. As I understand it, I need to change the 
information flow to be ”message passing”. However, I don’t know how to do this 
in grc. I can’t find any editable options in the connected blocks.  

I assume it is possible to make proper adoptions in the python file, but I am 
new at software radio and Python, so if there is a way to accomplish everything 
in the graphical grc it would probably be the easiest to understand for me, as 
working directly with the python code brings yet another level of difficulty. I 
am very grateful if someone can help me in the right direction.

Thank you in advance!


[1] https://github.com/gnuradio/gr-inspector 

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