On 12/19/2017 06:44 PM, Marcus D. Leech via USRP-users wrote:
> On 12/19/2017 05:09 PM, Michael Don via USRP-users wrote:
>> I've build and installed UHD on a Tegra TX2 (ARM64
>> platform).  The USB 3.0 is working, but I'm getting errors with the
>> USB 2.0 on a USRP B200.

I know UHD works on several aarch64 platforms. I do carry a patch in
meta-sdr that enables neon acceleration for the uhd type convertors.


>> uhd_find_devices works, but uhd_usrp_probe, and the uhd application
>> examples give the error below.  Note that I've tried running with
>> sudo, and have followed the instructions "Setup Udev for USB" about
>> the uhd-usrp.rules file.  Any advice?
>> Thanks, -Mike
>> linux; GNU C++ version 5.4.0 20160609; Boost_105800;
>> UHD_003.010.001.001-0-unknown
>> -- Detected Device: B200
>> -- Operating over USB 2.
>> -- Initialize CODEC control...
>> UHD Error:
>>     An unexpected exception was caught in a task loop.
>>     The task loop will now exit, things may not work.
>>     EnvironmentError: IOError: usb rx8 transfer status:
>> -- Detected bad USB state; resetting.
>> UHD Error:
>>     USB open failed: insufficient permissions.
>>     See the application notes for your device.
>> Error: AssertionError: libusb_open(_dev->get(), &_handle) == 0
>>   in
>> libusb_device_handle_impl::libusb_device_handle_impl(uhd::transport::libusb::device::sptr)
>>   at
>> /home/nvidia/Documents/USB3/uhd-release_003_010_001_001/host/lib/transport/libusb1_base.cpp:261
> Did you:
> sudo udevadm control --reload-rules
> After installing the usrp rules file?
> Did you unplug/replug, after updating the rules?  The rules are only
> *triggered* when a USB device event happens, so if it's still plugged in
> when you change
>   the rules, nothing will happen until you re-plug.
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