Hi Zhongyuan,

CMake couldn't determine the Git hash. Not sure why that is; it should say
something like "Working off of feature or development branch. Updating
version number." Is there a .git/ directory in your UHD source directory?

It looks like the CMake module FindPythonLibs [1] can't find your Python
installation for some reason. I find that the program ccmake (a Curses
interface for CMake) [2] is really useful for configuring and debugging
CMake. You should verify that the relevant CMake variables [3] have the
correct values.

If debugging CMake sounds like a lot, you might want to just start fresh
and make sure that all the steps in the installation guide were done


[1] https://cmake.org/cmake/help/v3.0/module/FindPythonLibs.html
[2] https://cmake.org/cmake/help/v3.5/manual/ccmake.1.html
PYTHON_LIBRARY are good ones to start with.

On Wed, Jan 24, 2018 at 10:17 AM, Zhongyuan Zhao via USRP-users <
usrp-users@lists.ettus.com> wrote:

> Python2.7-dev is already installed, here is the full cmake print
> ==
> ➜  build cmake ..
> --
> -- Configuring the python interpreter...
> -- Python interpreter: /usr/bin/python
> -- Override with: -DPYTHON_EXECUTABLE=<path-to-python>
> fatal: Not a git repository (or any of the parent directories): .git
> -- Could not determine git branch. Probably building from tarball.
> fatal: Not a git repository (or any of the parent directories): .git
> -- Using UHD Images Directory: OFF
> -- Build type not specified: defaulting to release.
> --
> -- Configuring Boost C++ Libraries...
> -- Looking for optional Boost components...
> -- Boost version: 1.54.0
> -- Found the following Boost libraries:
> --   python
> -- Looking for required Boost components...
> -- Boost version: 1.54.0
> -- Found the following Boost libraries:
> --   chrono
> --   date_time
> --   filesystem
> --   program_options
> --   regex
> --   system
> --   unit_test_framework
> --   serialization
> --   thread
> -- Boost include directories: /usr/include
> -- Boost library directories: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu
> -- Boost libraries: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libboost_chrono.so;/usr/lib/
> x86_64-linux-gnu/libboost_date_time.so;/usr/lib/x86_64-
> linux-gnu/libboost_filesystem.so;/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
> libboost_program_options.so;/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
> libboost_regex.so;/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libboost_
> system.so;/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libboost_unit_test_
> framework.so;/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libboost_
> serialization.so;/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libboost_thread.
> so;/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libpthread.so
> --
> -- Python checking for Python version 2.7 or greater
> -- Python checking for Python version 2.7 or greater - found
> --
> -- Python checking for Mako templates 0.4.2 or greater
> -- Python checking for Mako templates 0.4.2 or greater - found
> --
> -- Python checking for requests 2.0 or greater
> -- Python checking for requests 2.0 or greater - found
> --
> -- Python checking for numpy 1.7 or greater
> -- Python checking for numpy 1.7 or greater - found
> --
> -- Configuring LibUHD support...
> --   Dependency Boost_FOUND = 1
> --   Enabling LibUHD support.
> --   Override with -DENABLE_LIBUHD=ON/OFF
> --
> -- Configuring LibUHD - C API support...
> --   Dependency ENABLE_LIBUHD = ON
> --   Enabling LibUHD - C API support.
> --   Override with -DENABLE_C_API=ON/OFF
> --
> -- Configuring LibUHD - Python API support...
> --   Dependency ENABLE_LIBUHD = ON
> --   Dependency BOOST_PYTHON_FOUND = ON
> --   Dependency PythonLibs_FOUND =
> --   Disabling LibUHD - Python API support.
> --   Override with -DENABLE_PYTHON_API=ON/OFF
> --
> -- Configuring Examples support...
> --   Dependency ENABLE_LIBUHD = ON
> --   Enabling Examples support.
> --   Override with -DENABLE_EXAMPLES=ON/OFF
> --
> -- Configuring Utils support...
> --   Dependency ENABLE_LIBUHD = ON
> --   Enabling Utils support.
> --   Override with -DENABLE_UTILS=ON/OFF
> --
> -- Configuring Tests support...
> --   Dependency ENABLE_LIBUHD = ON
> --   Enabling Tests support.
> --   Override with -DENABLE_TESTS=ON/OFF
> --
> -- checking for module 'libgps'
> --   package 'libgps' not found
> -- checking for module 'libgps >= 3.11'
> --   package 'libgps >= 3.11' not found
> --
> -- Configuring USB support...
> --   Dependency ENABLE_LIBUHD = ON
> --   Dependency LIBUSB_FOUND = TRUE
> --   Enabling USB support.
> --   Override with -DENABLE_USB=ON/OFF
> --
> -- Configuring GPSD support...
> --   Dependency ENABLE_LIBUHD = ON
> --   Dependency ENABLE_GPSD =
> --   Dependency LIBGPS_FOUND = FALSE
> --   Disabling GPSD support.
> --   Override with -DENABLE_GPSD=ON/OFF
> --
> -- Configuring B100 support...
> --   Dependency ENABLE_LIBUHD = ON
> --   Dependency ENABLE_USB = ON
> --   Enabling B100 support.
> --   Override with -DENABLE_B100=ON/OFF
> --
> -- Configuring B200 support...
> --   Dependency ENABLE_LIBUHD = ON
> --   Dependency ENABLE_USB = ON
> --   Enabling B200 support.
> --   Override with -DENABLE_B200=ON/OFF
> --
> -- Configuring E100 support...
> --   Dependency ENABLE_LIBUHD = ON
> --   Dependency LINUX = TRUE
> --   Disabling E100 support.
> --   Override with -DENABLE_E100=ON/OFF
> --
> -- Configuring E300 support...
> --   Dependency ENABLE_LIBUHD = ON
> --   Disabling E300 support.
> --   Override with -DENABLE_E300=ON/OFF
> --
> -- Configuring USRP1 support...
> --   Dependency ENABLE_LIBUHD = ON
> --   Dependency ENABLE_USB = ON
> --   Enabling USRP1 support.
> --   Override with -DENABLE_USRP1=ON/OFF
> --
> -- Configuring USRP2 support...
> --   Dependency ENABLE_LIBUHD = ON
> --   Enabling USRP2 support.
> --   Override with -DENABLE_USRP2=ON/OFF
> --
> -- Configuring X300 support...
> --   Dependency ENABLE_LIBUHD = ON
> --   Enabling X300 support.
> --   Override with -DENABLE_X300=ON/OFF
> --
> -- Configuring N230 support...
> --   Dependency ENABLE_LIBUHD = ON
> --   Enabling N230 support.
> --   Override with -DENABLE_N230=ON/OFF
> --
> -- Configuring OctoClock support...
> --   Dependency ENABLE_LIBUHD = ON
> --   Enabling OctoClock support.
> --   Override with -DENABLE_OCTOCLOCK=ON/OFF
> --
> -- Configuring high resolution timing...
> --   High resolution timing supported through clock_gettime.
> --
> --
> --
> -- Configuring priority scheduling...
> --   Priority scheduling supported through pthread_setschedparam.
> --
> -- Configuring module loading...
> --   Module loading supported through dlopen.
> --
> -- Processing NI-RIO FPGA LVBITX Bitstreams...
> --   Using x300.lvbitx_base for codegen
> --   Using x310.lvbitx_base for codegen
> --
> -- USB support enabled via libusb.
> --
> -- Configuring interface address discovery...
> --   Interface address discovery supported through getifaddrs.
> --
> -- Loading build info.
> --
> -- Adding B2XX device test target
> -- Adding X3x0 device test target
> --
> --
> -- Configuring Manual support...
> --   Dependency DOXYGEN_FOUND = YES
> --   Enabling Manual support.
> --   Override with -DENABLE_MANUAL=ON/OFF
> --
> -- Configuring API/Doxygen support...
> --   Dependency DOXYGEN_FOUND = YES
> --   Enabling API/Doxygen support.
> --   Override with -DENABLE_DOXYGEN=ON/OFF
> --
> -- Configuring Man Pages support...
> --   Dependency GZIP_FOUND = TRUE
> --   Dependency NOT_WIN32 = TRUE
> --   Enabling Man Pages support.
> --   Override with -DENABLE_MAN_PAGES=ON/OFF
> --
> -- ######################################################
> -- # UHD enabled components
> -- ######################################################
> --   * LibUHD
> --   * LibUHD - C API
> --   * Examples
> --   * Utils
> --   * Tests
> --   * USB
> --   * B100
> --   * B200
> --   * USRP1
> --   * USRP2
> --   * X300
> --   * N230
> --   * OctoClock
> --   * Manual
> --   * API/Doxygen
> --   * Man Pages
> --
> -- ######################################################
> -- # UHD disabled components
> -- ######################################################
> --   * LibUHD - Python API
> --   * GPSD
> --   * E100
> --   * E300
> --
> -- ******************************************************
> -- * You are building a development branch of UHD.
> -- * These branches are designed to provide early access
> -- * to UHD and USRP features, but should be considered
> -- * unstable and/or experimental!
> -- ******************************************************
> -- Building version: 3.11.0.git-0-unknown
> -- Using install prefix: /usr/local
> -- Configuring done
> -- Generating done
> -- Build files have been written to: /home/<user>/uhd-python-api/
> host/build
> Zhongyuan Zhao
> PhD Candidate,
> Department of Computer Science & Engineering,
> University of Nebraska-Lincoln
> Office Hour: WF 9:30-10:00am, Avery Hall 12,
> Suite 117, Schorr Center,
> Lincoln, Nebraska 68588-0115
> On Tue, Jan 23, 2018 at 6:01 PM, Martin Braun via USRP-users <
> usrp-users@lists.ettus.com> wrote:
>> On Tue, Jan 23, 2018 at 04:36:13PM +0000, Zhongyuan Zhao wrote:
>> >    Hi,Â
>> >    The CMAKE shows that Python API is disabled,
>> >    I was unable to enable it. It showsÂ
>> >    Dependency PythonLibs_FOUND =
>> >    Is there anything missing?Â
>> You need Python development libraries, e.g., python2.7-dev if you're on
>> Ubuntu.
>> -- Martin
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> USRP-users mailing list
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