Hi Tien,

Run 'make xsim' in the same directory as the testbench.


On Jan 22, 2018 12:52 PM, "Dang tien Vo-Huu via USRP-users" <
usrp-users@lists.ettus.com> wrote:

Hi EJ,
It works! Now I am able to simulate the custom block with IP in both cases.
Just another small question, can we simulate the built-in RFNoC block? I
see the simulate file (for example noc_block_fft_tb.sv) but not sure how to
run it..
Thank you very much for the help.


On Mon, Jan 22, 2018 at 10:55 AM, EJ Kreinar <ejkrei...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi Tien,
> If the Xilinx IP is included in the uhd-fpga/usrp3/lib repo, you can
> follow the example provided in the Makefile for the noc_block_fft_tb:
> https://github.com/EttusResearch/fpga/blob/rfnoc-devel/usrp3/lib/rfnoc/n
> oc_block_fft_tb/Makefile
> Note the three steps:
> 1. set LIB_IP_DIR
> 2. Include the Makefile.inc associated with the Xilinx IP
> 3. Append generated IP to the DESIGN_SRCS
> If the Xilinx IP you want to use is contained in an OOT repo, then you
> would want to follow the Makefile.inc process of including the OOT repo:
> https://github.com/ejk43/rfnoc-ootexample
> The "noc_block_complextomagphase_tb" example shows an example of how to
> include and simulate Xilinx IP inside an OOT repo:
> https://github.com/ejk43/rfnoc-ootexample/blob/master/
> rfnoc/testbenches/noc_block_complextomagphase_tb/Makefile
> For another example, this repo with a polyphase channelizer also shows how
> to include and simulate Xilinx IP in an OOT repo: https://github.com/e33b1
> 711/rfnoc-ppchan
> Hope this helps,
> EJ
> On Fri, Jan 19, 2018 at 10:28 PM, Dang tien Vo-Huu via USRP-users <
> usrp-users@lists.ettus.com> wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I have this error when trying to simulate a custom RFNoC block in an OOT
>> module:
>> $ make noc_block_hbFilter_tb
>> .....
>> .....
>> Starting static elaboration
>> ERROR: [VRFC 10-2063] Module <fir_compiler_0> not found while processing
>> module instance <fir_compile_0_inst> [/home/tienvh/workspace/rfnoc/
>> src/rfnoc-filters/rfnoc/fpga-src/noc_block_hbFilter.v:179]
>> ERROR: [XSIM 43-3322] Static elaboration of top level Verilog design
>> unit(s) in library work failed.
>> INFO: [USF-XSim-99] Step results log file:'/home/tienvh/workspace/r
>> fnoc/src/rfnoc-filters/rfnoc/testbenches/noc_block_hbFilter_
>> tb/xsim_proj/xsim_proj.sim/sim_1/behav/elaborate.log'
>> ERROR: [USF-XSim-62] 'elaborate' step failed with error(s). Please check
>> the Tcl console output or '/home/tienvh/workspace/rfnoc/
>> src/rfnoc-filters/rfnoc/testbenches/noc_block_hbFilter_tb/xs
>> im_proj/xsim_proj.sim/sim_1/behav/elaborate.log' file for more
>> information.
>> .....
>> .....
>> I can build an FPGA image with the custom RFNoC block following the
>> instruction here: http://www.synchronouslabs.com/blog/creating-a-custom-
>> rfnoc-block-with-using-xillinx-ip
>> but I haven't found a way to simulate this block.
>> Is there any way to run the simulation in this situation? Otherwise it
>> would be difficult to debug if anything goes wrong..
>> Thanks in advance.
>> Best,
>> Tien
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