Hi Brandon,

As this isn't really a GNU Radio question, I'm including the usrp-users 
mailing list; if you could follow up there (you'll need to sign up
first[1]), that would help us keep the lists clean :)

So, there's a lot of things that might or might not be right here; I'm
picking my "most likely to help Brandon" top two:

1. If you want to talk to a device that's on, you need to
be on the same subnet. Please make sure you've set your network
interface to an IP from 192.168.10.X; for example, would
do well.
2. The USRP *needs* Gigabit ethernet. Some USB devices only implement
Fast Ethernet (100 Mbit/s) or even just Ethernet (10 Mb/s. Yes, you can
still buy these). These won't work!

Best regards,

[1] http://lists.ettus.com/mailman/listinfo/usrp-users_lists.ettus.com
On Sat, 2018-02-10 at 04:22 +0000, Brandon Dunn wrote:
> Hi i've read in past discussion board posts i found that a n210 could
> possibly be connected to a raspberry pi 3 via a gigabit ethernet to
> usb3.0 connector. I've recently purchased such a connector and wanted
> to try it out. When i did, the green light on the ethernet port of
> the n210 lite up however i seem to be unable to use uhd_find_devices
> or uhd_usrp_probe even with the args=usrp2 or serial=12345678 or the
> native ip address ip= Does anyone have any experience
> with this that can help me out?
> Thanks,
> Brandon
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