Dear OctoClock CDA-2990 users/support,

Just got mine in the mail today. I'm reading

and was happy to see under the FAQ subheading:

   - *Where can I find user manuals for the OctoClock and USRP*

Here is helpful document. Sync. and MIMO w/ the USRP

Also, here is some documentation on how to use UHD™ to interact with
multi-USRP systems.

However, there are no links in either of those lines.

So, where do I find the helpful document and the documentation on how to
use the UHD to interact with my B210 devices?


Dr. Alejandra Mercado
Associate Director
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Master's in Telecommunications Program
A.V. Williams Building
University of Maryland at College Park
College Park, MD 20742
USRP-users mailing list

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