On 06/09/2018 12:59 PM, Zhongyuan Zhao via USRP-users wrote:
> Hi,
> I was configuring N310 for the first time. My UHD version is 3.12 with
> branch of python-api, 
> When I try to update the SD image of firmware, according to
> the https://kb.ettus.com/N300/N310_Getting_Started_Guides
>    $ sudo uhd_images_downloader -t sdimg -v
> nothing is downloaded. 
> I also tried this command, based on
> https://files.ettus.com/manual/page_usrp_n3xx.html
> uhd_images_downloader -t n3xx_common_sdimg_default
> Nothing is downloaded either. 
> However, if I run uhd_images_downloader without any parameters, all the
> other images will be downloaded except for the SD card. 
> Do you know what is the problem? Should I use a different version of UHD
> for N310? 

Please start with the stable version (if you use maint, the downloader
command *will* work), or with master branch (that will also work). Then
switch branches and work from there.

-- M

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