
Thank you so much for taking the time to write such a detailed answer. And
thanks everyone who pitched in too. It's clear now.

Best regards,


On Wed, Aug 1, 2018 at 8:22 PM Ian Buckley <ian.buck...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Leo,
> Ethernet does not fragment IP packets. There is a 1:1 relationship between
> ethernet packet and IP packet.
> IP Fragmentation is very much a legacy concept, which in a modern network
> adds complications we could do without. As early as the 1980’s these
> limitations were being realized (
> http://www.hpl.hp.com/techreports/Compaq-DEC/WRL-87-3.pdf). IPv6 has done
> away with it all together, enforcing a minimum MTU and requiring the use of
> MTU path discovery to send larger packets. When I wrote the CHDR spec bits
> were allocated as seemed best to give it longevity and flexibility, and
> there were enough header bits that size could have a nice 2^n 16bit field.
> At lower bitrates packets this large would have latencies that would likely
> make them less than useful in Radio applications but with a link rate trend
> heading for 100’s of Gb and the possibility of FPGA <-> FPGA direct connect
> it seems like good future proofing.
> (Brian) In terms of the implementation, IP fragmentation is not supported
> at all by the USRP H/W. It added complication and buffering requirements
> that were not at all attractive, nor was it something I wanted to advertise
> as extensively verified against a vast array of 3rd party networking H/W.
> Internally to the RFNoC logic, the implementation was very focused on the
> 36kbit native RAM block size in 7 series Xilinx generation and ethernet
> jumbo frames. Since we would not fragment CHDR internally to the FPGA then
> full assembly/disassembly would have occurred at the periphery of the FPGA
> and all logic would then be required to support 2^16 packet sizes had the
> implementation fully addressed the max possible architectural CHDR packet
> size.
> -Ian
> On Aug 1, 2018, at 3:38 PM, Leandro Echevarría via USRP-users <
> usrp-users@lists.ettus.com> wrote:
> Hello Nick,
> That's the spirit of my question: why couldn't you break up a CHDR packet
> over multiple Ethernet frames? I understand it is common for Ethernet to
> break up an IP packet (which would also have a 16-bits field for packet
> size in its header) into fragments, but limiting the size of the CHDR
> packet itself to fit in just one Ethernet frame beforehand seems to be
> something thought out well before the data arriving the network interface.
> And Brian: in my case I am indeed using jumbo frames, as my MTU is 9000
> bytes.
> Regards,
> Leo
> On Wed, Aug 1, 2018 at 5:27 PM Brian Padalino <bpadal...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> On Wed, Aug 1, 2018 at 3:59 PM Nick Foster via USRP-users <
>> usrp-users@lists.ettus.com> wrote:
>>> That's the MTU of your network interface limiting the CHDR packet size.
>>> Can't break up CHDR packets over multiple network packets.
>> Is the last statement that CHDR can't break over multiple network packets
>> a limitation of the implementation or the technology in general?  UDP can
>> have up to 64k (approximately) bytes for payload size.
>> Could Super Jumbo frames, if supported by the network, alleviate this
>> problem - or is it elsewhere in the system for the limitation as well.
>> Brian
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