Thanks Andrew.  I actually am doing an RFNoC cross-compile, so the best of both 
painful worlds.
I noticed that I was referencing the folder e300 in some of my commands and 
E310 in others, so that was a big problem.  I blew away both of those 
directories and started over fresh to make sure I wouldn't have those issues 
anymore.  I also noticed that if I ran cmake-gui, gnuradio wasn't pointing to 
the newly build UHD, but was pointing to the one in the cross-compile.  I added 
the CMAKE command flags mentioned in one of the knowledge-bases and now it 
points to the proper location for UHD libraries.
Sadly, I can't get past the GR build now due to weird errors that seem to have 
something to do with the cross-compile and recent commits.  If I work off of 
the head, I get errors with the 
gnuradio-runtime/lib/ file complaining about an 
"overload*" operator.
If I start stepping back, I start to get them time_spec errors.
Scanning dependencies of target _uhd_swig
[ 56%] Building CXX object 
In function 'PyObject* _wrap_time_spec_t_get_system_time(PyObject*, PyObject*)':
 error: 'get_system_time' is not a member of 'uhd::time_spec_t'
 result = uhd::time_spec_t::get_system_time();
It feels like I need to use the head of GR, but that something in the 
cross-compile isn't playing nice with the operator 
overload.  It's never easy...
--------- Original Message --------- Subject: Re: [USRP-users] E310 
cross-compile issue
From: "Andrew Danowitz" <>
Date: 9/10/18 12:35 pm
To: "Jason Matusiak" <>
Cc: "Ettus Mail List" <>

 I've never gotten this error on a cross-compile build, but I have gotten it on 
an rfnoc build. In my case, the linker was finding headers from a system 
install of gnuradio and trying to use those instead of the fresh ones generated 
by make. I might uninstall any repository installs of gnuradio or temporarily 
muck with some environment variables so make only finds your local, up-to-date 
header files.

 On Mon, Sep 10, 2018 at 4:51 AM, Jason Matusiak via USRP-users 
<> wrote:
  OK, I am having a weird cross-compile issue still.  I am using the latest 
cross-compile files from Philip, but I am getting a weird error that has me 
Here are the steps I took, maybe I hosed something up along the way.  I am 
worried about:
1 - How I setup the cmakes
2 - enabling RFNOC properly
3 - that I have proper versions of things (I went and rolled back gnuradio to 
v3.7.12.0 due to it having error, maybe I need to do that for gr-ettus as well?)
Here were my steps followed by the error at the end:
997 mkdir /opt/gnuradio/E310
998 sh ./ 
999 cd /opt/gnuradio/E310/
1004 unset LD_LIBRARY_PATH
1005 source ./environment-setup-armv7ahf-neon-oe-linux-gnueabi 
1006 echo $CC
1007 mkdir src
1008 cd src/
1009 git clone
1010 cd uhd/host && mkdir build && cd build
1011 cmake -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=../host/cmake/Toolchains/oe-sdk_cross.cmake 
1013 make -j8
1014 make install DESTDIR=/opt/gnuradio/E310
1015 cd ../../
1016 cd ..
1018 git clone --recursive
1020 cd gnuradio/
1026 git checkout v3.7.12.0
1027 mkdir build
1028 cd build/
1029 cmake -Wno-dev 
1030 make -j8
1031 make -j4 install DESTDIR=/opt/gnuradio/E310
1032 cd ../../
1034 git clone
1035 cd gr-ettus/
1037 mkdir build
1038 cd build && cmake -Wno-dev 
-DUHD_LIBRARIES=/opt/gnuradio/e300/usr/lib ../
1039 make -j4
 And then I get the build error for gr-ettus:
 [ 90%] Building CXX object 
[ 92%] Linking CXX executable test-ettus
[ 92%] Built target test-ettus
/opt/gnuradio/E310/src/gr-ettus/build/swig/ettus_swigPYTHON_wrap.cxx: In 
function 'PyObject* _wrap_time_spec_t_get_system_time(PyObject*, PyObject*)':
error: 'get_system_time' is not a member of 'uhd::time_spec_t'
result = uhd::time_spec_t::get_system_time();
make[2]: *** [swig/CMakeFiles/_ettus_swig.dir/ettus_swigPYTHON_wrap.cxx.o] 
Error 1
make[1]: *** [swig/CMakeFiles/_ettus_swig.dir/all] Error 2
make: *** [all] Error 2
Philip thought that maybe I was using too old of a version of UHD, but I am 
using the head (hash 6013a), as well as the head of gr-ettus (hash 4ef12).  It 
seems like there is a mismatch somewhere, but I am not sure how to resolve 
this.  Could there be a problem with the cross-compile tools not being able to 
build things?

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