Yeah my supervisor also suggested to use a splitter. I will do that. Thanks.

From: Marcus D. Leech <>
Sent: Sunday, September 16, 2018 9:25:48 AM
To: Koyel Das (Vehere); ''
Subject: Re: Fw: the steps of processing I am doing

On 09/15/2018 11:44 PM, Koyel Das (Vehere) wrote:
I am forwarding the processing steps of matlab. I checked with my phd 
supervisor from MPIFR . He is also surprised to see the results. I also did phd 
in radio astronomy instrumentation. Please go through the steps of post 
processing once. My supervisor didn’t find anything wrong so we are puzzled why 
it is happening like this.

If you're operating in an environment with multiple transmitters, it certainly 
confuses things.

The best way to make sure that you have your coherence measurement system 
working is to use a laboratory signal generator with
  a splitter to the two RX channels with GOOD cables.   If you're operating in 
WiFi frequency territory, local WiFi can still get through
  the shielding of coax cables, and contribute to confusing results.

But unless your hardware is plain BROKEN, you should be seeing (assuming both 
channels are tuned to the same frequency, same sample-rate,
  etc) very little mutual phase-noise in a setup with a splitter and a 
low-power signal generator.

From: Koyel Das (Vehere)
Sent: Thursday, September 13, 2018 12:58:50 PM
To: Alan Roy
Cc: Avigyan Sinha(Vehere)
Subject: the steps of processing I am doing

Hi Alan,

Following is the code with comments of what processing I am doing. Just check 
once that everything is correct


Read two files having data from two antennas; reading 20 s data at once


f1 = 
t = fread (f1, [2,1024*1024*20],'float');% 'int16');

%fdata = filter(t1,1,v);

f2 = 
t1 = fread (f2, [2,1024*1024*20],'float');% 'int16');



Extract 5 seconds data from the data saved in variable t and t1
var1 and var2 will be 1,5; 5,10;10,15;15,20 in separate runs
var1 = 15;
v1 = t(1,1024*1024*var1+1:1024*1024*var2) + 

v2 = t1(1,1024*1024*var1+1:1024*1024*var2) + 
Divide into 5000 spectra each having 1000 points and form 5000 cross-power 
spectra each having 1000 points
for k = 1:5000
y(k,1:1000) = v1((k-1)*1000 + 1: k*1000);
y2(k,1:1000) = v2((k-1)*1000 + 1: k*1000);
y3(k,1:1000) = fft(y(k,1:1000)) .* conj(fft(y2(k,1:1000)));
Average 1000 cross-power spectra and thus form 5 averaged cross-power spectra 
each having 1000 points
and take angle and absolute values of 5 averaged cross-power spectra
for m = 1:5
    for n = 1:1000

    y4(m,n) =angle(mean(y3((m-1)*1000+1 : m*1000,n)));

    y6(m,n)= abs(mean(y3((m-1)*1000+1 : m*1000,n)));

plot angle of 100th channel as a function of time that is 1:5 as there are 5 
spectra in time.

plot(1:5, (y4(1:5,100))-mean((y4(1:5,100))))
find the maximum deviation of phase difference for each channel as a function 
of time, subtract the mean of each channel as a function of time (1:5) from the 
channel maximum values
and plot these values vs frequency
for l = 1:1000
y5(l) = max(y4(1:5,l))-mean((y4(1:5,l)));

previously we were getting .2 radians as maximum deviation (y5)for sitting 
drone and +- pi deviation for moving drone but now we are getting +-pi 
deviation for sitting drone as well.  We also tried with office wifi and for 1 
wifi we got maximum phase difference deviation of 0.06 radians and for another 
+-pi. This can be due to different locations of two wifi?


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