OK, this has befuddled me for 3 days and I can't seem to get past it.  I have a 
prefix that seems to work fine.
Here are my working steps for building a bitfile on an E310:
cd /opt/gnuradio/e300/src/uhd/fpga-src/usrp3/tools/scripts
source ../../top/e300/setupenv.sh
./uhd_image_builder.py keepMinN ddc split_stream axi_fifo_loopback -d e310 -t 
E310_RFNOC_sg3 -I /opt/gnuradio/e300/src/rfnoc-nocblocks
This build and runs fine.  keepMinN is a small custom block I made that doesn't 
use much resources and has been working fine for weeks.
Now, if I open a new terminal and run this:
cd /opt/gnuradio/e300/src/uhd/fpga-src/usrp3/tools/scripts
source ../../top/x300/setupenv.sh
./uhd_image_builder.py keepMinN ddc ddc split_stream axi_fifo_loopback -d x310 
-t X310_RFNOC_XG -I /opt/gnuradio/e300/src/rfnoc-nocblocks -m 5
it never seems to meet timing.  Now, I have done this with and without the "-m" 
directive, that doesn't seem to matter.  The only real difference in the 
command is the second ddc block.
So what the heck could be causing these issues?  If anything, I would have 
expected the X310 build to be fine and the E310 to not meet timing.  Another 
odd thing (though I am chalking it up to the X310 doing more) is that the X310 
build is taking A LOT longer.  I don't recall it taking this long before, but I 
am not sure.
It tell me to look at the report_timing_summary, but it hasn't updated yet (it 
keeps running for a bit after throwing the timing warning).  If I remember 
though, I think that the issue it had was with the ce_clk for some reason.
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