
I’m trying to command my usrp B200mini via its command port. I used the 
documentation from here:

here is my command:
      pmt::pmt_t command = pmt::make_dict();
      command = pmt::dict_add(command, pmt::mp("gain"), pmt::mp(gain));       
// Specify gain
      command = pmt::dict_add(command, pmt::mp("antenna"), pmt::mp("TX/RX")); 
// Switch antenna
      command = pmt::dict_add(command, pmt::mp("chan"), pmt::mp(0));          
// Specify channel
      message_port_pub(pmt::mp("cmd") , command);

I connect my block to a debug message block, and I received this 

************MESSAGE DEBUG PRINT***************
((chan. 0) (antenna, TX/RX) (gain, 63))

But when I connect to the “UHD: USRP sink” I get a segmentation fault… ☹
I have tried different command always the same problem. 
Can someone show me an example working with tis command?
I am quite deseparate..

Ubuntu 16.04
Gnuradio 3.7.12
UHD driver UHD_3.11

Thank you for your help

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