On 01/05/2019 09:05 AM, Milos Milosavljevic wrote:
Hi Marcus,
Yeah I tried that as well. It doesnt help much. Btw apologies if you received two copies of this email. I tried sending it from my phone but I dont think it got sent for some reason.

I saw one of your posts here on a different topic and meant to ask, only if you have a spare few mins sometimes if not no worries, to try to reproduce what I see on N310 or x310 (since I saw that you have those) using for example the siggen the way I was using it (as given in of my responses below)? I am just curious to see whether I am doing something fundamentally wrong or this is specific to N200.

Anyway, only if you have time and/or resources. If not never mind we will go with the filter at the output as it seems that nothing I do helps with suppressing these spurs with N200 and SBX.


I would be very very surprised to find that the spur environment is the same among models of quite-different hardware architectures....

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