I've seen this a few times, but I cannot seem to lock it down to any particular 
reason.  While sitting at my desk with a GPS simulator (so I have a known good 
signal), I will be doing testing and everything is fine (it seems to be walking 
around the place where the unit was built).  I will turn off the GPS unit for 
the night and then the next day when I turn it on, I never get a fix.  I've 
seen this numerous times and the only way I can fix it is to reboot the E310.  
It is like the GPS is getting into a mucked up stated.  Data comes streaming 
through, but it is just the last good signal.

I can't figure out a way to reset the GPS without rebooting it, does anyone 
know of a way?  I tried killing and restarting the daemon, but that doesn't 
seem to do anything.  I really think it is the GPS module, but rebooting it 
everytime I want to run things "just in case."

One other weird thing, when I run gpsmon in this screwed up state, it mostly 
looks OK, but it has weird characters displayed throughout the ASCII heading 
(for lack of a better term).

This is a good setup on a different unit (so I don't expect to see a fix):
tcp://localhost:2947          u-blox>
│Ch PRN  Az  El S/N Flag U ││ECEF Pos: +6378137.00m  +0.00m      +0.00m   │ 
│ 0   1   0 165   0 0110   ││ECEF Vel:     +0.00m/s     +0.00m/s     +0.00m/s │ 
│ 1   2   0 165   0 0110   ││                                                 │
│ 2   4   0 165   0 0110   ││LTP Pos:   0.000000000°   0.000000000°   -18.00m │
│ 3   6   0 165  23 0310   ││LTP Vel:    0.00m/s   0.0°   0.00m/s             │
│ 4   7   0 165   0 0110   ││                                                 │
│ 5   9   0 165  23 0310   ││Time: 0 00:00:00.00                              │
│ 6  14   0 165  22 0310   ││Time GPS:                     Day:               │
│ 7  19   0 165  22 0310   ││                                                 │
│ 8  20   0 165  21 0310   ││Est Pos Err9999998.72st Vel Err   0.00m/s        │
│ 9  21   0 165   0 0110   ││PRNs:  0 PDOP:100.0 Fix 0x00 Flags 0x40          │
│10  22   0 165   0 0110   │└─────────────────── NAV_SOL ─────────────────────┘
│11  23   0 165   0 0110   │┌─────────────────────────────────────────────────┐
│12  24   0 165   0 0110   ││DOP [H] 100.0[V] 100.0[P] 100.0[T] 100.0[G] 100.0│
│13  28   0 165  23 0310   │└─────────────────── NAV_DOP ─────────────────────┘
│14  30   0 165   0 0110   │┌─────────────────────────────────────────────────┐
│15 136   0 165   0 0110   ││TOFF: > 1 day            PPS:                    │

There are lines around the different sections (they look like lines, not dashes 
and bars).

and then on the unit that is hosed:
tcp://localhost:2947          u-blox>
xCh PRN  Az  El S/N Flag U xxECEF Pos: -2414806.17m +5389584.51m +2400650.28m x 
x 0   2   0 165  50 0700   xxECEF Vel:     +0.00m/s     +0.00m/s     +0.00m/s x 
x 1   4   0 165  50 0700   xx                                                 x
x 2   5   0 165  50 0700   xxLTP Pos:  22.2557151134f 114.134790532f    20.19m x
x 3   8   0 165   0 0100   xxLTP Vel:    0.00m/s   0.0f   0.00m/s             x
x 4   9   0 165  50 0700   xx                                                 x
x 5  10   0 165  50 0700   xxTime: 61 06:13:40.00                             x
x 6  12   0 165  50 0700   xxTime GPS: 1877+529282.000     Day: 6             x
x 7  13   0 165  50 0600   xx                                                 x
x 8  17   0 165  50 0700   xxEst Pos Err2238690.24st Vel Err   0.00m/s        x
x 9  20   0 165  50 0700   xxPRNs:  0 PDOP:100.0 Fix 0x00 Flags 0xdc          x
x10  23   0 165  50 0700   xmqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq NAV_SOL qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqj
x11  24   0 165   0 0110   xlqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqk
x12  27   0 165  50 0700   xxDOP [H] 100.0[V] 100.0[P] 100.0[T] 100.0[G] 100.0x
x13  28   0 165  50 0700   xmqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq NAV_DOP qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqj
x14 129 127  51   0 0110   xlqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqk
x15                        xxTOFF: > 1 day            PPS:                    x
mqqqqqq NAV_SVINFO qqqqqqqqjmqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqj

Not that instead of lines, I see characters.  What is up with that????
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