Hi USRP Users!

Ettus Research is proud to announce the USRP N320 and USRP N321 software
defined radios (SDRs). These high-performing, stand-alone SDRs deliver
frequency coverage from 3 MHz to 6 GHz with 200 MHz of instantaneous
bandwidth per channel. With reliability and fault tolerance and the ability
to share local oscillators (LO) and multiple synchronization methods, the
USRP N320 and N321 are ideal for deploying phase-coherent wireless systems.

The N320 and N321 feature a Xilinx Zynq-7100 SoC, providing a large user
programmable FPGA for real-time and low-latency processing and a dual-core
ARM CPU for stand-alone operation. Users can deploy applications directly
onto the preinstalled embedded Linux OS or stream samples to a host
computer using high-speed interfaces such as 1 Gigabit Ethernet, 10 Gigabit
Ethernet, and Aurora over two SFP+ ports and a QSFP+ port.

The N320 and N321 will be fully supported in UHD and RFNoC, but LabVIEW
support is not planned at this time. Please check ettus.com or reach out to
Ettus Research/National Instruments directly for more information about
these products!


*Markus Unger* | Principal Product Planner | National Instruments Dresden
GmbH | markus.un...@ni.com
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