I'm back with an update. As I mentioned below, I don't think my CEs are the main issue here (I haven't ruled it out completely) so to highlight the issue I'm struggling with, I'll try to present a reproducible example that does not involve my custom CEs:

Consider the block diagrams seen here: https://imgur.com/a/k3zcaJT.

According to my understanding of this article: https://kb.ettus.com/RFNoC, they should be more or less equivalent.

Now consider two FPGA images: The stock image (found in something like /usr/local/share/uhd/images) and a "custom" image built with uhd_image_builder.py that has the same CEs as the stock image (2x DDC, 2x DUC, 1x DmaFIFO and 2x Radio, all provided by Ettus) and nothing else (no FIFOs or FFTs or any of my own CEs).

The USRP Sink-based TX chain works as expected on both images. However, the RFNoC: Radio-based TX chain works on the stock FPGA image but fails on the other, the "custom" image. The first time the RFNoC: Radio-based chain fails on the "custom" image, everything is just quiet (no error messages in GRC and no spike on the spectrum analyzer). Subsequent runs will fail with "RuntimeError: RuntimeError: BIST failed! (code: 1)" until the USRP is rebooted. The uhd_image_builder.py script finished without any errors, such as timing violations or other design rule violations.

So, getting back to the original question: Why am I not seeing any output while using the RFNoC: Radio-based TX chain on the "custom" FPGA-image?



On 2019-05-08 22:40, zluudg wrote:

Ok, I think I have an idea what to look for now. Thanks a lot for the quick replies!



On 2019-05-08 22:29, Nick Foster wrote:
Anything that might hang the bus. If you don't consume packets, if you generate packets addressed to the wrong CE, if you don't set tlast correctly.

On Wed, May 8, 2019 at 1:03 PM zluudg <zlu...@zluudg.xyz <mailto:zlu...@zluudg.xyz>> wrote:

    Cool, I'll take a closer look at my CEs then.

    What behavior on the main AXI-Stream data interface of a CE would
    count as "not playing nicely"? I know that a master may not wait
    on the tready-signal of a slave before asserting its
    tvalid-signal, but other than that I'm unsure what type of
    behavior could cause issues.



    On 2019-05-08 21:34, Nick Foster wrote:
    Short answer: yes. If your block isn't playing nicely it can do
    bad things to the NoC crossbar.

    Best solution is to simulate the whole NoC block.

    On Wed, May 8, 2019 at 12:20 PM zluudg <zlu...@zluudg.xyz
    <mailto:zlu...@zluudg.xyz>> wrote:

        I thought that my own CEs was just a sidenote in this
        context since the Gnuradio block diagram I used as an
        example consists solely of Ettus-provided blocks.

        I have not simulated my RFNoC CEs with Verilog testbenches.
        I have simulated my blocks in a VHDL testbench, but not with
        the RFNoC-generated System Verilog skeleton code. My blocks
        seem to work fine during live testing in RX-only systems,

        So as a question back to you, can my custom CEs cause
        trouble for the Ettus-provided CEs (DmaFIFO, DUC, Radio)
        even if they are unused in a block diagram such as the
        example I gave in my previous mail? If so, I'll take a
        closer look at my custom CEs.



        On 2019-05-08 18:41, Nick Foster wrote:
        Have you simulated your RFNoC CEs with Verilog testbenches?

        On Wed, May 8, 2019 at 8:12 AM zluudg via USRP-users
        <mailto:usrp-users@lists.ettus.com>> wrote:


            I'm having some issues while trying to transmit a
            signal using the
            RFNoC: Radio block in Gnuradio. My block diagram is:

                     Signal Source (constant) -> RFNoC: DmaFIFO ->
            RFNoC: Radio (in
            TX mode).

            I run the block diagram by calling "python
            top_block.py" from the
            command line and I'm not getting any errors while it's
            running .
            However, I'm unable to quit it properly without having
            to close the
            terminal window and power-cycle the USRP. When
            connecting the USRP to a
            spectrum analyzer I see no signal whatsoever (I expect
            to see a peak at
            2.4 GHz).

            Removing the DmaFIFO does not seem to make any
            difference. My FPGA image
            is a custom image with some of my CEs, but it was built
            smoothly using
            the "uhd_image_builder.py" script. I've also
            experienced similar
            problems while having a RFNoC: DUC between the DmaFIFO
            and the Radio
            block, also with a custom FPGA image. With the stock
            FPGA image I was
            able to get a signal with more or less the same
            Gnuradio block diagram.

            Why am I not seeing any output with my custom FPGA
            images? All
            suggestions appreciated.

            I'll happily provide more info if needed, so don't
            hesitate to ask. For
            know, I'll just provide the basics:

                     OS: Ubuntu 18.04

                     uhd: rfnoc-devel, eec24d7b0

                     gnuradio: maint-3.7, c6c575309

                     gr-ettus: master, a909447

            Thanks in advance!



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