I am having trouble running the FFT block of size 1024 on an N310.  I am
using the "rfnoc_rx_to_file" example program (UHD v3.14.1.0) to run it.  It
works with size 256 or 512.  Additionally, I am able to run with 1024 if I
switch to an X310 (same PC). Please let me know if you have any ideas...

*Here is the command that fails:*

rfnoc_rx_to_file --args="type=n3xx" --nsamps=65536 --block-id=FFT_0
--block-args="spp=1024" --rate=125e6 --freq=2400e6 --radio-args="spp=1024"

*The following is the output with error message:*

Using radio 0, channel 0
Setting RX Rate: 125.000000 Msps...
Actual RX Rate: 125.000000 Msps...

Setting RX Freq: 2400.000000 MHz...
Actual RX Freq: 2400.000000 MHz...

Connecting 0/Radio_0 ==> 0/FFT_0
[WARNING] [RFNOC] Assuming max packet size for 0/Radio_0
Samples per packet: 1024
Using streamer args: block_id=0/FFT_0,spp=1024
Issuing stream cmd
[ERROR] [RX FLOW CTRL] Error unpacking packet: ValueError: Bad CHDR or
packet fragment

[ERROR] [STREAMER] The receive packet handler caught a value exception.
ValueError: Bad CHDR or packet fragment
Error: Receiver error: ERROR_CODE_BAD_PACKET

*Note that the following works fine with an X310*

rfnoc_rx_to_file --args="type=x300" --nsamps=65536 --block-id=FFT_0
--block-args="spp=1024" --rate=100e6 --freq=2400e6
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