Sam Reiter. When leveraging dual 10GbE links,I  specify" 
addr=,second_addr=",last email I didn't give the 
example . The result is not much diffrent with use a single 10GbE link.
I think it is  "addr=<xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx>,second_addr=<xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx>" but not 
"addr0=<xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx>,addr1=<xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx>". when use  
"addr0=<xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx>,addr1=<xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx>",I get errors:
[INFO] [MPMD] Initializing 3 device(s) in parallel with args: 
[ERROR] [RPC] Someone tried to claim this device again (From:
[WARNING] [MPM.RPCServer] Someone tried to claim this device again (From:
Error: RuntimeError: Error during RPC call to `claim'. Error message: Someone 
tried to claim this device again (From:
On 11/2/2019 02:30,Sam Reiter<sam.rei...@ettus.com> wrote:
Panny Wang,

I notice that you're only specifying a single streaming address in your call to 
benchmark rate, implying that you're only leveraging a single 10GbE link. You 
can specify "addr0=<xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx>,addr1=<xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx>" in your device 


Sam Reiter
SDR Applications Engineer
Ettus Research

On Wed, Oct 30, 2019 at 3:20 AM 王盼 via USRP-users <usrp-users@lists.ettus.com> 

 Nate.I want to use DPDK in UHD with N310 follow 
https://files.ettus.com/manual/page_dpdk.html,but the result is not 
satisfactory.I got you have some research about this from the user-list 
emails(With an i7-4790k / Intel x520-DA2 and N310, to stream at full duplex, 
over two channels at 125 MS/s, the lowest I can run my CPU clock freq at 
without flow control errors is 3.8 GHz using benchmark_rate and the native 
networking stack. Using DPDK I can run 2x2 @ 125 MS/s with my CPU freq locked 
at 1.5 GHz with no flow control errors. ).
May be you can do me a favor and have some idea about my quesion.
(1) I use benchmark_rate to test the streaming performance, I only got 
122.88MS/s for 1channel, or 61.44MS/s for 2x2. run with 2x2@122.88MS/s , a lot 
of samples dropped. 
Unfortuately, my destination is 4x4@122.88MS/s. I don't know is it possible for 
my present host machine, or what configuration of host machine should have?
ubuntu server 18.04    uhd:  dpdk 17.11.6   dual 10GbE links (XG image 
host machine: 4 node, 8 cores in each node, tota 32 cores, cpu: Intel(R) 
Xeon(R) CPU E5-4650 0 @ 2.70GHz
more informations about my host machine is in the attchachment.(hypethread 
closed, cpufrequtils GOVERNOR="perfomance")
   --duration 60 \
   --channels "0,1" \
   --rx_rate 122.88e6 \
   --rx_subdev "A:0 A:1" \
   --tx_rate 122.88e6 \
   --tx_subdev "A:0 A:1" 
   Benchmark rate summary:
     Num received samples:     2744145668
  Num dropped samples:      6030320380
  Num overruns detected:    921
  Num transmitted samples:  14684137560
  Num sequence errors (Tx): 0
  Num sequence errors (Rx): 0
  Num underruns detected:   67231
  Num late commands:        0
  Num timeouts (Tx):        0
  Num timeouts (Rx):        0

(2) In the  txrx_loopback_to_file test ,when I use the default --setting for 
4*4channels, there is a error UUUUError: Receiver error ERROR_CODE_LATE_COMMAND 
I change it to --setting 1 ,it works.
I want to know the influence to my streaming or sample datas if 1 increase  
(--settling arg (=0.20000000000000001) settling time (seconds) before receiving)

Much appreciated.

Panny Wang

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