We are using the B2xx USB based radios in a system.  In certain cases, we
are in an environment where there is significant power in a interfering
signal that significantly suppressed by the filtering (CIC) within the
DDC.  Near the output of the DDC there is a set of gain multipliers for
both quadrature components.  The gain is controlled by scale_factor which I
believe is controlled via the setting register at SR_RX_DSP (BASE) + 1 =
145.  In the host UHD code I believe I have found the section that
manipulates this scale factor in comprised of code in set_host_rate and
update_scaler.  I have a few questions regarding manipulating of this
scaler.  We would really like to use the existing gain compensation blocks
so this functionality doesn't required additional host processing if this
is an option.

1. Is _host_extra_scaling applied in the host in UHD or is it left up to
the user to perform such compensation in GNU Radio etc?  If it is the
latter how is this information retrieved via the API?

2. Does UHD expose any method to directly manipulate scale_factor of the
DDC either by FPGA register peeks and pokes or through the API?

3.  How does one access FPGA registers including the USER Registers?  Does
this require modification of UHD or is this functionality available in the
distributed version of UHD for the B2xx series of radios?

Thank you,
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