Hi Mark - Yeah you can't compile your UHD application for your host
computer (not cross-compiled using the USRP's SDK) and expect it to run on
the USRP. The USRP comes with a full UHD and development install, so you
should be able to compile your UHD application directly on the USRP. It
might not be fast, but it should work -- and, be compatible for
execution on the USRP to boot! You can alternatively obtain the USRP's SDK
and cross-compile the UHD application on your host computer with the USRP
as the target processor; then, move the resulting executable to the USRP
and it should work natively there. The E320 also works in "network mode",
meaning that you can use your host computer to run the UHD application and
transport data samples from the USRP to the host computer. This option is
useful and attractive for some users, and the USRP's embedded processor has
significant limitations for processing capabilities. I hope this helps! -

On Mon, Oct 5, 2020 at 10:17 AM Andrews, Mark J. via USRP-users <
usrp-users@lists.ettus.com> wrote:

> Hello,
> I'm pretty new to SDR and am trying to run a custom C++ program on an
> E320.  I modified the "rx_ascii_art_dft.cpp" file on my host computer so
> that it saves the DFTs to files instead of displaying them on the screen
> (with a 1 second delay between DFTs to prevent a million files being
> created).  I recompiled UHD and tested the new rx_ascii_art_dft executable
> and it seems to be doing what I want.  I was hoping (though not really
> expecting) that I could just copy the executable to the E320 and run it on
> there, but that does not work ("cannot execute binary file: Exec format
> error").  I've tried looking at the manual and searching the internet for
> how this is supposed to work, but it's not clear to me.  Am I supposed to:
> 1) Rerun the mender filesystem update?  Will this include the newly
> compiled files or will it simply reinstall the original files?
> https://kb.ettus.com/E320_Getting_Started_Guide#Updating_the_file_system_with_Mender
> 2) Compile directly on the E320?
> https://files.ettus.com/manual/page_usrp_e3xx.html#e3xx_software_dev_mpm_native
> 3) Obtain an SDK and cross-compile?
> https://files.ettus.com/manual/page_usrp_e3xx.html#e3xx_software_dev_sdk
> 4) Something else?
> If anyone can point me in the right direction or include a link to a good
> "hello world" example/tutorial on creating custom programs that run on the
> E320, it would be greatly appreciated.
> Thank you,
> Mark
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