Hi Maria,

I assume you're using UHD 3.15 or earlier, since you mentioned the "fpga
repository". I've never tried what you're suggesting, so I don't know what
challenges you'll run into. I think changing NUM_CHANNELS_PER_RADIO will do
what you want, but it will have some side effects, like removing the GPIO
for that channel. I think it might be safer to just change the NUM_CHANNELS
that gets passed to e320_core, since I think that will remove just the
radio and associated DDC/DUC while leaving all the other board signals
connected. Again, I haven't tried it, so I can't say for sure.

In general, these kinds of changes need to be considered carefully, since
it leaves signals undriven, which usually means they will be driven to 0 by
default. 0 is often the right value for something that's unused, but not
always. There may also be software implications.

By the way, these kinds of changes are easier to make in UHD 4.0 since it's
described by a YAML file. So it's easy to say you just want one radio and
to leave out the DDC/DUC, or DRAM FIFO, for example. The required Verilog
is then generated by rfnoc_image_builder.



On Thu, Nov 19, 2020 at 8:52 AM Maria Muñoz via USRP-users <
usrp-users@lists.ettus.com> wrote:

> Hi everyone,
> I'm using an USRP E320 using the RFNoC image to implement a code that
> requires too much FPGA resources. I only need to use one of the channels of
> the USRP so I was wondering if it could be possible to eliminate the logic
> associated with the other channel to save resources on the FPGA and if
> there is a 'safe' way to do that.
>  I mean I have seen on the verilog source code, that there is a parameter
> 'NUM_CHANNELS_PER_RADIO' (e320.v on fpga repository) which configures the
> channels of the radio, but what happens with the tx_i1, tx_q1, rx_i1 and
> rx_1q signals that goes to the LVDS interface with the ADC? Can they be
> left unconnected?  Is there another parameter that I must change to use
> only one channel and eliminate the 'extra' logic?
> Kind Regards,
> Maria
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