Just had a few q's regarding RFNoC in UHD 4.0 as I migrate my applications
to it.

   1. In the style of a tedious conference Q&A session, this is more of a
   comment than a question: I noticed NoCScript is dead: great! But it sure
   would be nice if there were something which filled the role of obviating
   the need for explicit block controllers for simple blocks.
   2. I noticed both the "registers" sections of the YAML definitions are
   unused in stock UHD blocks and unlooked-for in rfnoc_blocktool's
   templating process. I also noticed a lot of <block_name>_regs.vh
   register definition files in the RFNoC Verilog blocks included in UHD,
   which look suspiciously like autogenerated boilerplate. Seems like
   something which would be reasonably straightforward (I say, having not done
   it myself) to implement in rfnoc_blocktool. What am I missing?
   3. I'm a little unclear on the difference between the rfnoc_chdr clock
   and ce_clk. Some block definitions just use one, some use both. I'm
   assuming the rfnoc_chdr clock is equivalent to the old bus_clk. Is the
   lack of a ce_clk in the block definition just to avoid having to route
   ce_clk to logic which doesn't require it? Is ce_clk decoupled entirely
   from radio_clk now on X310?
   4. Is there a plan to integrate rfnoc_modtool and rfnoc_blocktool? At
   least within the same repository? The overlapping functionality between
   them is confusing. It would be a huge reduction in boilerplate madness if a
   single YAML block definition could result in both Verilog blocks and
   coordinated C++ block controllers being generated.

Thanks for all the work on this: UHD 4.0 looks like a major improvement.

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