It's not specific to N3xx. It can occur when you use the same bitstream and
change the crossbar routing between runs.


On Wed, Dec 16, 2020 at 4:42 PM Rob Kossler <> wrote:

> Thanks Wade,
> That fixes it for my test case with 2 switchboards in series.  I'll let
> you know if I see anything strange when testing with my custom blocks.
> By the way, does this bug only affect N3xx devices or all RFNoC devices?
> Rob
> On Wed, Dec 16, 2020 at 5:33 PM Wade Fife <> wrote:
>> Rob,
>> I think I found the source of the IQ swap issue you observed. This fixes
>> it for me:
>> diff --git a/host/lib/rfnoc/mgmt_portal.cpp
>> b/host/lib/rfnoc/mgmt_portal.cpp
>> index a54efaaf7..7b09c540b 100644
>> --- a/host/lib/rfnoc/mgmt_portal.cpp
>> +++ b/host/lib/rfnoc/mgmt_portal.cpp
>> @@ -617,6 +617,24 @@ public:
>>              _send_recv_mgmt_transaction(xport, cfg_xact);
>>          }
>> +        // Build a management transaction to configure the destination
>> node
>> +        {
>> +            mgmt_payload cfg_xact;
>> +            cfg_xact.set_header(my_epid, _protover, _chdr_w);
>> +            _traverse_to_node(cfg_xact, dst_node_addr);
>> +            mgmt_hop_t cfg_hop;
>> +            // Configure buffer types
>> +            cfg_hop.add_op(mgmt_op_t(mgmt_op_t::MGMT_OP_CFG_WR_REQ,
>> +                mgmt_op_t::cfg_payload(REG_ISTRM_CTRL_STATUS,
>> +                    BUILD_CTRL_STATUS_WORD(false, false, BUFF_U64,
>> BUFF_U64, false))));
>> +            // Return the packet back to us
>> +            cfg_hop.add_op(mgmt_op_t(mgmt_op_t::MGMT_OP_RETURN));
>> +            // Send the transaction and receive a response.
>> +            // We don't care about the contents of the response.
>> +            cfg_xact.add_hop(cfg_hop);
>> +            _send_recv_mgmt_transaction(xport, cfg_xact);
>> +        }
>> +
>>          // Wait for stream configuration to finish on the HW side
>>          _validate_stream_setup(xport, src_node_addr, timeout);
>> Thanks,
>> Wade
>> On Mon, Dec 14, 2020 at 8:32 PM Wade Fife <> wrote:
>>> Hi Rob,
>>> I was able to reproduce the issue, so I'll see if I can get to the
>>> bottom of it. I'm glad you're able to work around it for now. Thanks for
>>> letting us know about it!
>>> Wade
>>> On Mon, Dec 14, 2020 at 8:59 AM Rob Kossler <> wrote:
>>>> Hi Wade,
>>>> I tried the command to re-load the FPGA, but I couldn't communicate
>>>> with UHD nicely until I also added the command "systemctl restart
>>>> ursp-uhd".  I am now able to reset the N310 to proper behavior when it gets
>>>> in this state.
>>>> Regarding this issue of real/imag swapping, do you want me to create a
>>>> support request through  Also, do you need me to
>>>> provide any more info or an example program / FPGA image?  Note that now
>>>> that I know how to duplicate the issue, I believe I also know how to avoid
>>>> it. So, it is probably not a critical issue for me presently.
>>>> Rob
>>>> On Sat, Dec 12, 2020 at 9:47 AM Wade Fife <> wrote:
>>>>> Thanks for the updates. If you just want to reload the FPGA, try
>>>>> running "overlay rm n310 && overlay add n310" on the N310. This should
>>>>> simply reload the FPGA using the bistream already in the flash.
>>>>> Wade
>>>>> On Fri, Dec 11, 2020 at 6:45 PM Rob Kossler <> wrote:
>>>>>> Wade,
>>>>>> The following also fails using just 2 blocks and 2 attempts:
>>>>>>   host_tx => Switchboard#0 => Switchboard#1 => host_rx  // SUCCESS
>>>>>>   host_tx => Switchboard#1 => Switchboard#0 => host_rx  // FAILURE
>>>>>> (RX samples equal swapped I/Q of TX samples)
>>>>>> In addition to wanting to get this issue fixed, I also have a
>>>>>> question about the best way to "reboot" the N310 which is what I need to 
>>>>>> do
>>>>>> to fix the issue after it occurs.  One way is to give the "reboot now"
>>>>>> linux command.  But, this takes a long time.  Another way is to reprogram
>>>>>> the FPGA image via uhd_image_loader. This is appreciably faster, but I'm
>>>>>> thinking that this is not a great idea if the flash memory has a limited
>>>>>> number of write cycles before failure.  Is there another way to achieve a
>>>>>> reboot other than these two?
>>>>>> Rob
>>>>>> On Fri, Dec 11, 2020 at 7:34 PM Rob Kossler <> wrote:
>>>>>>> AHA!  I duplicated the issue with the Switchboard image.  The way to
>>>>>>> duplicate the issue is the run the following series of graphs:
>>>>>>>   host_tx => Switchboard#0 => Switchboard#1 => host_rx  // SUCCESS
>>>>>>>   host_tx => Switchboard#2 => Switchboard#3 => host_rx  // SUCCESS
>>>>>>>   host_tx => Switchboard#0 => Switchboard#2 => host_rx  // FAILURE
>>>>>>> (RX samples equal swapped I/Q of TX samples)
>>>>>>> Each of these 3 runs consists of running my application (similar to
>>>>>>> one of the examples such as rfnoc_rx_to_file) such that the UHD object 
>>>>>>> is
>>>>>>> re-created each time.  My guess is that you could use gnuradio to do it
>>>>>>> instead.
>>>>>>> My working theory is that the problem is caused by the fact that the
>>>>>>> Switchboard#2 input port was changed from being connected to the host in
>>>>>>> test case 2 to then be connected to another RFNoC block in test case 3.
>>>>>>> Or, I suppose it could be the output port on this block (same logic).
>>>>>>> If you want me to send you my FPGA image with the 4 Switchboard
>>>>>>> blocks, let me know.
>>>>>>> Rob
>>>>>>> On Fri, Dec 11, 2020 at 7:09 PM Rob Kossler <> wrote:
>>>>>>>> Hi Wade,
>>>>>>>> After thinking about it a bit, I would ignore the "negation" issue
>>>>>>>> for now. This may be a byproduct of I/Q swapping related to my custom 
>>>>>>>> block.
>>>>>>>> Rob
>>>>>>>> On Fri, Dec 11, 2020 at 6:34 PM Rob Kossler <>
>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Hi Wade,
>>>>>>>>> Thanks for the info.  I still do not know what's going on, but
>>>>>>>>> here are a few updates:
>>>>>>>>>    - I built a new N310 image with 4 switchboards (1x1) and 1
>>>>>>>>>    splitstream (1x2) blocks in addition to the default blocks.  All 
>>>>>>>>> of the
>>>>>>>>>    additional blocks are connected to SEPs for dynamic linking.  I 
>>>>>>>>> tried my
>>>>>>>>>    best to get bad behavior using a chain of 1 to 4 switchboards, but 
>>>>>>>>> I could
>>>>>>>>>    not duplicate any I/Q swapping or negation issues.
>>>>>>>>>    - I went back to my custom image (that I described below) and
>>>>>>>>>    found different behavior today (sometimes things worked OK).  So, 
>>>>>>>>> this got
>>>>>>>>>    me to thinking that I am somehow getting the FPGA in a bad state 
>>>>>>>>> such that
>>>>>>>>>    a reboot (or FPGA re-flashing) fixes things.  I have had some 
>>>>>>>>> success with
>>>>>>>>>    re-booting and things working properly.  But, I still do not have 
>>>>>>>>> a true
>>>>>>>>>    handle on things and cannot adequately predict when things are 
>>>>>>>>> going to
>>>>>>>>>    succeed or fail.
>>>>>>>>>    - One thing that has been constant is that I have never seen
>>>>>>>>>    bad behavior when I only have 1 block in my graph (no matter which 
>>>>>>>>> block I
>>>>>>>>>    choose).  Note that for all of my tests, the graph looks like 
>>>>>>>>> this: host_tx
>>>>>>>>>    => block_chain => host_rx, where block_chain is a sequential chain 
>>>>>>>>> of 1 or
>>>>>>>>>    more rfnoc blocks.
>>>>>>>>> I will send a follow up once I figure things out.
>>>>>>>>> Rob
>>>>>>>>> On Fri, Dec 11, 2020 at 6:22 PM Wade Fife <>
>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> Hi Rob,
>>>>>>>>>> The SEPs do have the ability to swap I and Q. This is because on
>>>>>>>>>> the host computer, I is usually in the lower bits and Q is in the 
>>>>>>>>>> upper
>>>>>>>>>> bits of each 32-bit word, but in RFNoC, for historical reasons, I 
>>>>>>>>>> goes in
>>>>>>>>>> the upper bits and Q in the lower bits. The software programs the IQ
>>>>>>>>>> swapping when it sets up the graph.
>>>>>>>>>> I assume you're using dynamic connections (through the crossbar)
>>>>>>>>>> to control the number of FFTs the data is passed through, and not 
>>>>>>>>>> static
>>>>>>>>>> connections? If that's the case then I wonder if software configures 
>>>>>>>>>> IQ
>>>>>>>>>> swapping incorrectly in some configurations. I'll see if I can do 
>>>>>>>>>> some
>>>>>>>>>> testing next week to confirm if it's working correctly.
>>>>>>>>>> As for negation, I'm not aware of anywhere we do that off the top
>>>>>>>>>> of my head. Is that behavior block dependent? I'll see if I can find
>>>>>>>>>> anywhere this happens.
>>>>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>>>>> Wade
>>>>>>>>>> On Thu, Dec 10, 2020 at 3:54 PM Rob Kossler via USRP-users <
>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>>>>>>> I am encountering very strange behavior with a custom FPGA image
>>>>>>>>>>> (N310). It appears that data streaming through SEPs can get swapped 
>>>>>>>>>>> (I/Q)
>>>>>>>>>>> and/or negated.  Is anyone at Ettus aware of anything that could 
>>>>>>>>>>> cause
>>>>>>>>>>> this?  Of course, the issue might be on my end, but I can't think 
>>>>>>>>>>> of what
>>>>>>>>>>> it might be given that all of my custom blocks work as expected in
>>>>>>>>>>> isolation (if the block is the only block in graph).
>>>>>>>>>>> My custom image is the following:
>>>>>>>>>>>    - default blocks of Radios, DDCs, DUCs (each 2x2 and
>>>>>>>>>>>    statically connected as in default image)
>>>>>>>>>>>    - custom blocks of two 1x1 windowed-fft blocks, two 1x1
>>>>>>>>>>>    vector-avg blocks, and one 2x2 custom block. Note: each of these 
>>>>>>>>>>> blocks is
>>>>>>>>>>>    connected to its own SEP, so I can connect dynamically in any 
>>>>>>>>>>> fashion.
>>>>>>>>>>> My test case is transmitting 8192 random samples from host to
>>>>>>>>>>> FFT block and then optionally through a 2nd FFT block before back 
>>>>>>>>>>> to host.
>>>>>>>>>>> In the test case, the radios/DDCs/DUCs are not used.
>>>>>>>>>>> Here is what I observed:
>>>>>>>>>>>    - If I only include 1 FFT block in my RFNoC graph, I get the
>>>>>>>>>>>    expected results (the output from the FPGA matches what I 
>>>>>>>>>>> calculate in
>>>>>>>>>>>    Matlab for the FFT).  This is true for either of the two FFT 
>>>>>>>>>>> blocks.
>>>>>>>>>>>    - If I include both FFT blocks in series, I can only match
>>>>>>>>>>>    the FPGA output if I swap the I/Q values in between my Matlab 
>>>>>>>>>>> FFTs.
>>>>>>>>>>>    - Note: that this issue is not FFT-related as I can also
>>>>>>>>>>>    duplicate this issue with the other blocks.
>>>>>>>>>>>    - If I use 3 blocks in series (each through SEP), I need to
>>>>>>>>>>>    negate certain data in order to get it to match the FPGA output
>>>>>>>>>>> My next step is likely to build a new image with Ettus-developed
>>>>>>>>>>> FIFOs to prove that the data is getting swapped/negated when 2 or 
>>>>>>>>>>> more are
>>>>>>>>>>> used in series through SEPs.
>>>>>>>>>>> Let me know if you have any suggestions for other things to try.
>>>>>>>>>>> Rob
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