On Wed, Apr 28, 2021 at 5:11 PM Eugene Grayver <eugene.gray...@aero.org>

> Hello,
> I am planning to use an X310 (we have at least 50 of them around 🙂 ) for
> an all-hdl project.  Has anyone used it w/out RFNoC or UHD?  How much setup
> for on-board components is there?  Can I do it w/out the software running
> on a PC?

That's pretty ambitious.

>From what I've seen, all the PLL programming, RF switches, and general
setup/housekeeping is done in UHD with very little help by way of a soft
CPU in the FPGA.

I am not sure what your timeline is, but you'd be redoing a lot of
engineering effort just to get to a new baseline.  You might want to
consider a small/cheap SBC with gigabit ethernet that runs linux/UHD and
does the housekeeping, and you create your "all-hdl" project as a single
RFNoC block.  The other RFNoC block you have in there would be the Radio
block itself - so the RFNoC infrastructure overhead would be minimized,

Do you think this is a possibility, or are you really steadfast on really
doing an all-hdl project?

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