On Mon, Aug 9, 2021 at 1:03 PM <rbl...@swri.org> wrote:

> Ettus documentation suggests the radio can be configured for a 25 MS
> sampling rate (The master 200M / 8). I’m wondering if it is possible to get
> the RFNoc RX *Radio block *to do this without the DDC block. Is that
> possible? Entering anything other than 200M in the “Sample Rate (Hz)” field
> causes errors.
> In these Radio blocks, what is the Bandwidth(Hz) entry used for?

Some boards have some analog filters for the reconstruction filter on the
output of the DAC.

> Is there any reason that you cannot use a Radio block *without* the DDC
> block, sampling rates aside?

The ADC is running at a fixed rate.  I believe there are 2 rates readily
available: 200 MHz and 184.32 MHz.  The DDC is needed to change the rates
by filtering and decimating.

Does that make sense?

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