On Fri, Feb 11, 2022 at 8:16 AM Lautaro Lorenzen <lorenzen.laut...@gmail.com>

> Hi everyone,
> I'm trying to follow the RFNoC 4 workshop and I've come up with an error
> when I'm trying to load the image to an ettus 312. I think my environment
> is set up correctly but any help would be appreciated.
> It is worth noting that I'm trying to use RFNoC with gnu-radio.
> I've also seen an email from 2020 but I'm not sure how I could put my
> custom block "in-tree" to solve this issue.
> The error:
> [WARNING] [RFNOC::BLOCK_FACTORY] Could not find block with Noc-ID
> 0x501de012, 0xffff

This is a warning, not an error.

To alleviate this, you need to set the UHD_MODULE_PATH environment variable
to the path where your out-of-tree library for this block is located.

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