Hi Gonzalo,

the tune requests work exactly the same.

I'd point out that 400 kHz is a sampling rate that's simply very very low, and might not work well on the N200, where the Master Clock Rate is a fixed 100 MHz, so the digital signal from the 100 MHz ADC needs to get divided by 250, which isn't even divisible by 4. Try a sampling rate of 2.5 MHz instead, and look whether things look nicer :)

Also note that 20 dB gain for the UBX and the B200 mean something very 

Best regards,


On 07.07.22 22:36, Gonzalo Figueroa wrote:
Hello everyone!

I'm having problems trying to understand how tune_request works in the N200 model (ubx daughterboard).

I've been working in the past with the B200 and I used to get rid of the LO using tune requests. But doing the same with the N200 leads to a different behavior.

I have a B200 and N200 in the lab. So,to illustrate the problem I've made this 
Both USRPs are connected in loopback (TX/RX port with RX2 port).

Running this flograph with a B200 gives me this:

And N200 this:

When I run the same flowgraph without tune_request I obtain this:


Could you help me understand how tune_request works? And How to use it properly with the N200?


PS: Attached you will find the output of the command uhd_usrp_probe for both 

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