But that application is the USRP block of GNU Radio, so you're at least not the first to use it :)

Wild stab:

So, this is run on your PC, right; are you sure that the GNU Radio you run was built against the UHD you're using? (This is basically asking how you installed both GNU Radio and UHD)

Best regards,


On 14.07.22 22:23, Marcus D. Leech wrote:
On 2022-07-14 08:25, Jason Matusiak wrote:
Trying to run a C++ based flowgraph and occasionally getting a segfault/coredump.  Finally, was able to capture the stack trace, and I am not sure what to make of it.  I //think// that this is all UHD, and not my app, but I find that hard to believe.  Here is that core dump, any thoughts on what is causing this and if there is any way for more to gracefully recover from it?  This was using a single N320, gnuradio v3.8, and UHD

I have not had any other reports.

One of the things about C/C++ (which you likely know) is that it's relatively easy for an application to corrupt heap or stack that some library relies on,and then something inside   the library takes a left turn that it wouldn't otherwise take--this can make it *appear* that the library is the culprit, but it may well have been the calling application, often
  thousands of instructions ago...

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