Hello Fan:

USRPs (or any other general-purpose SDRs) do not do the timing recovery for 
you. It is designed to transmit arbitrary signals, so it simply does not have 
any idea about the "timing" of your signals. The mismatch in the internal 
oscillator clocks will cause phase drift over time.

You can try using external clock inputs (PPS and 10 MHz inputs) of the USRPs to 
forcefully synchronize them. This is often not practical in real-world wireless 
systems, though. It is great for some (albeit limited) applications and for 
debugging jobs.

Something else that you can do is implementing your own synchronization 
algorithms. You can either oversample your signals and then use signal 
processing frameworks (like GNU Radio) to do the recovery, or implement them on 
the FPGA of the B210. Both will give you the same performance, assuming that 
your USB port can handle the oversampled signals and the FPGA is sufficiently 
large for your purposes.

Kyeong Su Shin
보낸 사람: fan <fyt201...@163.com>
보낸 날짜: 2022년 7월 14일 목요일 오후 3:12
받는 사람: usrp-users@lists.ettus.com <usrp-users@lists.ettus.com>
제목: [USRP-users] Is it possible to control the sampling position of the 
baseband signal on the rx side of the usrp?

           Hi,everyone. I have the  question: Is it possible to control the 
sampling position of the baseband signal on the rx side of the usrp?

           The situation is as follows: I use a usrp b210 to transmit a set of 
16QAM signals, and receive this signal on the rx side of the same device, and 
repeat this several times. However, under the condition that the transmitted 
signal, tx gain, rx gain, channel frequency and other settings are unchanged, 
there are some differences in amplitude and phase between the received data 
each time. I never moved the position of b210, so the channel should be 

           I think there are two possible reasons: First, even if the 
transmitted signal and transmit settings are the same each time, the signal 
actually transmitted by usrp each time is still different; second, the receiver 
does not sample at the optimal sampling point , but randomly samples.

           Firstly,let's discuss the second possibility. As far as I know, 
USRP's dsp module downconverts the received bandpass signal to baseband and 
then samples the baseband signal. a gardner loop is usually used to get the 
best sampling point from the sampled data (timing recovery), but the 
implementation of the gardner rings in 2x2 mimo with 16QAM is more difficult. 
Is there a UHD interface that can control the position of the sample points?
           Or, the real reason is the first?

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