I just went through this myself, so I'll try to include my experience for


First, make sure if you've already built and installed UHD, uninstall it and
run "make clean" in the build directory. If you've already built it but
haven't installed it, running "make clean" should be sufficient. Make sure
you have the 'master' branch of UHD checked out, and when you run cmake,
make sure you include the argument "-DENABLE_PYTHON_API=ON". You should get
an output from cmake that looks something like this:


-- ######################################################

-- # UHD enabled components                              

-- ######################################################

--   * LibUHD

--   * LibUHD - C API

--   * LibUHD - Python API

. other stuff .


The "Python API" line is the one you're looking for. Once that's done run
'make' and then 'sudo make install' and 'sudo ldconfig' as normal. Once it's
installed, test that it worked correctly by running 'python3' and typing
"import uhd". If you're not able to import the uhd module, make sure that
the uhd directory is located in the /usr/local/lib/python3/dist-packages/
directory. If not, try the installation process again.


I hope this helps.


Very respectfully,


Joshua White

Precision Timing Systems Engineer

Engineering & Support Solutions Directorate

www.riversideresearch.org <http://www.riversideresearch.org/>  

T: 937.986.3153 | F: 937.431.3811


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From: Saurav Roy via USRP-users <usrp-users@lists.ettus.com> 
Sent: Thursday, July 28, 2022 9:25 AM
To: usrp-users@lists.ettus.com
Subject: [USRP-users] Re: UHD Python API on windows


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Dear sir/madam,

we are trying to install UHD and python API for B210 in windows 11. We are
following binary installation for UHD. But after this, we do not know how to
proceed to create the python API. On this page,
https://files.ettus.com/manual/page_python.html instructions are related to
'install the Python API when building UHD from source.' Could you please
provide the Python API building steps for binary installation of UHD?  Thank
you very much.

With regards

Saurav Roy


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