On Fri, Jan 6, 2023 at 1:11 PM Rob Kossler <rkoss...@nd.edu> wrote:

> On Thu, Jan 5, 2023 at 7:46 PM Brian Padalino <bpadal...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Before RFNoC 4.0, there was a generic NoC shell that was used instead of
> one being generated for each of the blocks.
> >
> > I see there is a noc_shell_generic_ctrlport_pyld_chdr, but it isn't used
> anywhere.
> >
> > Is there a reason that a generic one isn't utilized and that ones are
> being generated individually for each block?
> With RFNoC 4.0, you have various options for which interface you would
> like for payload data and packet context data. These options, which
> are in the block XML file, determine which signals get passed in and
> out of your block.  So, the reason it is custom is to handle the
> variety of interface options.

There are no more XML files, right?  It's all YAML?  Right?

In the specification:


... section shows axis_chdr, axis_pyld_ctxt, and axis_data.  But
beyond that, I don't see any descriptions of the differences.  Moreover, I
am unsure if I change the YAML and use rfnoc_image_builder to build things,
does that regenerate the underlying noc_shell_<block>.v file in the OOT
description?  Or is it just an input to some other tool?  I am also
confused by Figure 18 at the end of the document.  I'm not sure I see any
XML files or the rfnocmodtool GUI?

Lastly, I see rfnoc_blocktool in uhd under host/utils/rfnoc_blocktool which
has rfnoc_create_verilog.py which looks are fpga_iface but I didn't see
anything get installed from UHD.  Is rfrnocmodtool from gr-ettus not the
right thing to use anymore?

I might just be getting confused by out of date tutorials and
specifications, but figured I'd try to get my bearings straight.

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