On Tue, May 2, 2023 at 2:04 PM <ri28...@mit.edu> wrote:

> What is the sample rate of your transmitted samples?  If it isn't 200 Msps
> for the X310, then you are using the DUC.
> I use a couple different sample rates. The plots I showed earlier were
> taken at 25 MSPs.

Try interpolating on the host to 200 Msps and see how things go.

Interpolating by 8x goes through the 3 halfband filters.  Note the halfband
filters have 0's in between each coefficient.

> Not adding 0's to the end of a burst which you intend to be interpolated
> is
> problematic in general, since you won't be flushing the FIR filters of
> their current state.  Remember there is no automatic zero stuffing to push
> the last of the data through.
> What’s the point of the start/end burst flags then? In theory UHD should
> know the number of taps on the DUC/DDC for a given sample rate and be able
> to push zeros for me. How do I know how many zeroes I need to pad? I’ve
> apparently empirically determined it, but is there documentation somewhere?

The source code is your best bet:


The DUC can be seen here:


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