Hi all,

I'm currently using a USRP N310 for an application that requires coherent 4 
channel RX w/ the ability to TX on 1 channel as well. In the past, I've used 
USRP X310s to do 4 channel coherent RX and found the calibration process for 
that to be relatively straight forward using the TwinRX cards. It was simply 
phase aligned input signals into each RX port and computing the constant phase 
offset between channels and just adjusting for that factor in my processing 

My understanding is that this is more complicated w/ the N310. The procedure as 
I understand is that during initialization the N310 external LO needs to be set 
at 5 GHz. After initialization, the external LO can be set to 2 times the 
desired center freq, but that there is still a 180 deg ambiguity between 
channels which would need to be figured out via calibration w/ a phase aligned 
input signal. Is this correct? Is there some way to shorten or optimize this 

Second question would be if the process is simpler on different USRP models 
akin to how the X310 w/ TwinRX cards work where you just need to compute some 
calibration values once at powerup and afterwards those values hold pretty true 
for a long time as long as your gain/center freq don't change. Having the 
requirement of being able to TX on at least 1 channel prevents me from using an 
X310 w/ TwinRX cards.

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