On Thu, Aug 3, 2023 at 4:24 AM EVAN LAURANS <evan.laura...@imt-atlantique.fr>

> Hi all,
> I use the USRP X310 to analyze signal and i use the 10 MHz REF OUT for an
> external device. I noticed that’s the REF OUT hasn’t a frequency of 10 MHz
> when i am using a 184.32 MHz master clock rate but about 9.96 MHz, whereas
> the REF OUT frequency is 10 MHz with a master clock rate of 200MHz.
> Is there any way to have a REF OUT at the frequency of 10 MHz with a
> master clock rate of 184.32 MHz ?

Probably not.  The schematic has all these signals coming from an LMK04816
which is an integer-N PLL.  Here is the clock control for the x300:


Note that the VCO frequency is set to 2400 MHz when a 200 MHz master clock
rate is set, but 2580.48 MHz for 184.32 MHz.

You'll be limited to whatever that chip can provide.

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