On 08/08/2023 15:00, edenmclaughlin...@gmail.com wrote:
Hi again Marcus,
I see, so, I am guessing I better contact the Ettus and ask them to
send me a new image or the device need a whole EEPROM replacement?
What action would you recommend me to take?
Sorry if I am sounding foolish, but this exceeds my experience about
SDR’s. Thank you in advance and so far for the answers!
Best Regards,
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If you send a note to supp...@ettus.com, they may be able to issue an
RMA and do a factory-reset type thing.
It would be possible to create an image that includes the EEPROM area
with "sensible" values, but that would also require
running a modified version of UHD that doesn't have any "safeguards".
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