
I am having trouble using a USRP X410 to capture some high-rate data. I would 
appreciate any insight or help. Below is a diagram of how our x410 is connected 
to our host device.

*---------------------*                 *---------------------* 

|   | NIC QSFP Port 0 |                 | QSFP28 Port 1   |   | 

|   |    ens1f0np0    <>---------------<>       sfp1      |   | 

|   |   |                 |   |   | 

|   |-----------------|                 |-----------------|   | 

| H | NIC QSFP Port 1 |                 | QSFP28 Port 0   | X | 

| O |    ens1f1np1    <>---------------<>       sfp0      | 4 | 

| S |   |                 |   | 1 | 

| T |-----------------|  *-----------*  |-----------------| 0 | 

|   | Ethernet Port 1 |  |Router     |  |  Ethernet Port  |   | 

|   |     eno8403     <>-||-<>      eth0       |   | 

|   |   |  |           |  |   |   | 

*---------------------*  *-----------*  *---------------------*  

When I run $ uhd_find_devices 

[INFO] [UHD] linux; GNU C++ version 9.4.0; Boost_107100; DPDK_19.11; 


-- UHD Device 0


Device Address:

    serial: [serial number]


    claimed: False

    fpga: CG_400




    name: [name]

    product: x410

    type: x4xx

I am using two images for the FPGA, each of which has different capabilities:

\- UC_200, which on the wiki lists Port 0 as "unused" and can achieve up to 250 
Msps per channel.

\- CG_400, which lists both ports on the wiki as "100 GbE" and can achieve up 
to 500 Msps per channel.

I am using UHD's C++ API to instruct the x410. My capture process tries to call 
"recv" as soon as possible without waiting to write the previous buffer to a 
file. The psudocode is as follows:

\-  Initialize "circular" buffer of arrays. Each array is "spb" samples long, 
and there are N such buffers.

\-  Start a "writing" thread that writes data from a queue to a file.

\-  Set the number of samples I need (nsamps_requested), set the current number 
of samples to 0 (nsamps),

\-  set the current buffer index to 0 (buff_idx)

\-  set up rx_streamer to start 0.1 seconds in the future and issue 


   While (nsamps <= nsamps_requested || not_error)

   -Get a pointer to the buffer at buff_idx

   -num_rx_samps <- recv(buffer...)

   -check metadata returned object

   -add the buffer to the queue, increment the buffer index


\- stop streaming

When I use the process above, I can get very long captures using the UC_200 
image, with 250 Msps, and by parsing the args 
"addr=,mgmt_addr=" when creating the multiusrp pointer.

When I switch to the CG_400 image, I can barely record a few seconds worth of 
data. I parse the args 
"addr=,second_addr=,mgmt_addr=". I changed 
the logger level to get a better idea of what might be going on, below are some 
outputs for spb at 5000:

[DEBUG] [RFNOC::MGMT] Established a route from EPID=4 (SW) to EPID=3

[DEBUG] [RFNOC::MGMT] Throttling stream endpoint to 100% (0x0)

[DEBUG] [RFNOC::MGMT] Initiated RX stream setup for EPID=3

[DEBUG] [RFNOC::MGMT] Finished RX stream setup for EPID=3

[DEBUG] [0/Radio#0] spp value 2032 exceeds MTU of 8016! Coercing to 1988


[DEBUG] [RxStreamer#0] Received overrun message on port 0

After the last logger message, I catc this in my "check metadata returned 
object" step and stop the loop.

When this happens, I sometimes get 0 samples back, and sometimes get less than 
the samples per buffer I feed the recv command. I also found that while waiting 
for the issued command to take effect, instead of adding empty buffers to my 
queue, I check for ERROR_CODE_TIMEOUT and just continue the while loop.

I would imagine if I can handle half the rate at 250 Msps for minutes of 
continuous capture, going to 500 Msps I could get more than a couple seconds. 
Is this because the UC_200 image has 4GiB of DRAM and the CG_400 doesn't list 
any on the wiki? Is there something better I can be doing about the spb (I 
tried larger and smaller, with some luck around 50000 spb)? Am I properly 
configuring the x410 to use both QSFP28 ports for the CG_400 image?


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