I think I am mistaken. If you are only streaming a single channel, the
--multi_streamer option will likely not change a thing. I was assuming you
had multiple channels.

On Tue, Mar 12, 2024 at 5:40 PM Rob Kossler <rkoss...@nd.edu> wrote:

> Your mount command with tmpfs looks correct. Here is what mine is in my
> /etc/fstab file (with 264GB avail RAM)
> tmpfs  /media/ramfolder/  tmpfs  rw,nosuid,nodev,size=200G   0  0
> You might want to try rx_samples_to_file with the --multi_streamer option.
> I expect you will get better performance.  Also, you can take your RAM FS
> size higher from 8G to probably 60G if you want to try bigger recording
> depths.
> Rob
> On Tue, Mar 12, 2024 at 5:13 PM Marcus D. Leech <patchvonbr...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> On 12/03/2024 16:11, zackk...@utexas.edu wrote:
>> Hey Rob and Marcus,
>> Thanks for the responses! I have a basic understanding of linux, but am
>> not very experienced. I tried the following to create the RAM filesystem:
>> sudo mount -t tmpfs -o size=8G tmpfs /mnt/tmpfs/
>> sudo mount -t ramfs -o size=8G ramfs /mnt/ramfs/
>> And ran the rx_samples_to_file, once with --file /mnt/tmpfs/test.bin, and
>> once with --file /mnt/ramfs/test.bin, both times still getting o’s for
>> overruns.
>> By my calculations, at ~500 M complex samples per second, each complex
>> sample 4 bytes (defaulting to short for I and Q), that means just 1 second
>> of capturing equates to 2 GB of data. My system has 64 GB of RAM. Am I
>> creating the RAM filesystem correctly? Am I using it correctly?
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>> Assuming that you did a "sudo mkdir of /mnt/ramfs" beforehand,  this
>> should work.
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