
thanks for your comments.

You wrote:
i really dont have an opinion on the utility itself ... never heard of it. i'd wonder though if it'd be a better fit if it were integrated into the setserial package ? (setserial.sf.net)

Well, the fundamental difference is that setserial just does its thing
and exits, while ldattach must daemonize holding the serial line open
in order for the line discipline to stay loaded.

+static speed_t lookup_speed(const char *s)

hrm, is there seriously no other function (either in the libc or util-linux) we could reuse ?

I would have thought there was, but couldn't find anything. Pointers
gladly accepted. This may become moot though if I can convert the
program to arbitrary bit rates, see the following comment.

+       case 's':
+           if ((speed = lookup_speed(optarg)) == B0) {
+               fprintf(stderr, "%s: bad speed: %s\n", prog, optarg);
+               exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
+           }

hmm, this doesnt seem right ... this does not allow for arbitrary baud rates which newer versions of linux now supports.

I must have missed that. Do you have a pointer? Is there a replacement
for cfsetspeed() which accepts a numeric speed value instead of the Bx


Tilman Schmidt                          E-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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