Mostly separate engines make sense for separate things that aren't
communicating with each other.  If you have control logic and data
structures that are already cooperating, then you might as well use just
one engine.

Multiple engines interested in the same callback get called in sequence.
The complexities of the order of calling engines and so forth is an open
question on the TODO list.  If you have just one engine calling multiple
parts of your own code, you can do the right thing for your situation
without addressing the utrace interface issues.

That said, a core purpose of utrace is that multiple engines work just fine
and don't add great overhead.  Who knows how many kinks there are to work
out to make that a reality, but that's the concept anyway.  If separate
engines makes sense in your code, it's perfectly sensible to just do it.
Whether it's the ideal thing to do is optimization and refinement.


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