Hi Chris

While we are in the earliest days of development, I'd like to propose a small change to the purpose of froggy-test. I've spent the last day or so going over the code. While what is there is great, I have difficulty in separating out what works, what doesn't, what is planned to be implemented, and what is planned to be removed. This is not criticism, this is somewhat normal in the early days of a project. However the principles of Test driven development can help us here. What would be really neat would be a set of concrete examples that could then form part of a froggy testsuite. So we'd have a quiesce only example; that in turn would form part of the quiesce test-suite. It allows newbie developers like me to quickly ascertain code snippets in a isolated, concrete fashion. It would also be neat to track regressions across development phases, even this early on.



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