The changes that Oleg's sent for utrace proper I have been merging into my
utrace git branch (and regenerating the patches that come from it).

The ptrace rework includes some stages that do not depend on utrace.
I previously collected some past drafts of Oleg's ptrace patches in:

        branch ptrace/revamp

Oleg may have newer versions of some of those, and I have not rebased that
git tree to the upstream tip in a while now.  Our plan has been to figure
out a bit more of how things will shake out with the ptrace-over-utrace
rewrite before we decide which cleanup patches are ready to submit upstream
and in what order to do them.

When Oleg thinks his current stuff is a little closer to ready, I'd like to
have everything in a new git branch where we can juggle the sequence of
patches to be sent upstream.  As opposed to the existing utrace branch and
its forks, which have local history, this would be a tree such that
git-format-patch produces everything we'd post upstream.  Then we can all
review and test that sequence and sign off on posting it upstream.


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