and those who, differing in some points, know one Master and one
service. People on earth will always differ in their opinions. The truth
will gain by giving free scope to investigation, and by the illustration
of the different sides of the same question." This position is true, and
creditable alike to the head and the heart of the author. Church
government and doctrine are topics of primary importance to the
prosperity of the kingdom of the Redeemer, and no reason can be assigned
why they cannot be debated to the edification of the church, except the
human frailty of disputants. Had these subjects been discussed in our
religious papers with calmness, and in a Christian spirit, they would
have been alike instructive and edifying both to ministers and laity.
The discussion would have infused into laymen a deeper interest for the
welfare of the church, and a larger liberality in the support of her
institutions. Are we not commanded to prove all things, and hold fast
that which is good; and to be always ready to give to him that asked us
a reason for the hope that is in us? But let us not despond; God will
overrule even these controversies to the good of his church. _Forsan et
haec olim meminisse juvabit._ "The Synods adopting this Platform are e

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