> Simple answer. Because I do not know how to implement this. At least now.
> I tried to think of this more, but I don't see how to make the first steps.
> (Yes, to be honest, this looks like "unnecessary complication" to me, I have
>  to admit. But this is not the reason.)

Well, I am befuddled.  I explained the model and it seems obvious to me how
you'd go about it, the only nontrivial corner being coping with the MT exec
reap case.  But I won't let our mutual befuddlement stand in the way of
making immediate progress the way you like best.

> Agreed, but nobody else cares ;)

Ananth, Srikar, Jim, Frank?  (Beuller?)  We do have some people around
here with some experience dealing with the API.  They made me add the
engine ref counts in the first place, for Pete's sake.  They've got to
have some opinions!

> So, I am going to use the simple ops->release method for now. Once we
> have the working code we can reconsider the lifetime rules for engine/
> engine->data.



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