On 10/29, Roland McGrath wrote:
> Another example is E1 does UTRACE_BLOCKSTEP and then E2
> Now single-step will win out, which is right.  But E2 gets no notice about
> this, so it can't know that the step is for an insn rather than a block.


> In contrast, say utrace_control reduces both to UTRACE_REPORT, either
> implicitly as we had been discussing before, or because E3 comes along
> (before or after) and calls utrace_control(,,UTRACE_REPORT).  Then E[123]
> get report_quiesce(0) in their callback order.  (We can't control that
> order much today, but that is still to consolidate the utrace_control
> ordering issue into that existing general ordering issue.)

Yes, we can't control the callback order, and this means we have the
same problem even without utrace_control().

Suppose that we enter utrace_resume(), E1->report_quiesce() returns
UTRACE_BLOCKSTEP, then E2->report_quiesce() returns UTRACE_SINGLESTEP.
UTRACE_SINGLESTEP wins, but E1 can't know about this.

> > Yes, I hope I understand utrace.c ;) I meant user_enable_single_step().
> > I don't really understand it even in x86 case, to many low level magic.
> Ok, good.  You officially don't need to understand that unless you want to.

I want ;) Just every time I recall about enable_step/etc I have more
prioritized pending problems.

> > Afaics, we can kill ->stopped, but utrace_stop() and utrace_finish_jctl()
> > should do unconditial spin_unlock_wait(utrace->lock) after resume (or
> > lock/unlock).
> Ok.  Please send a patch relative to utrace-cleanup with that code
> including comments that explain those needs.

OK, will do.


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