> In general everything where is a word "thread" has unstable results and
> "nonstop" tests are also a bit unstable.

So where exactly is the problem in these cases?  Are the tests overly
timing-sensitive where there is no actual behavior bug?  Or is gdb overly
timing-sensitive where there is no actual kernel bug?  Or is it just
unknown, and might be a kernel bug after all (even an undiagnosed one in
vanilla kernels)?

> There are IMO/hopefully very few cases tested by the gdb testsuite and still
> not covered by the ptrace-testsuite, I even do not much expect we will see
> again a new utrace regression caught by the gdb testsuite && uncaught by the
> ptrace-testsuite.

That's certainly good to hear.  If you are pretty confident about that,
then I am quite happy to consider nonregression on all of ptrace-tests the
sole gating test for kernel changes.  We just don't want to wind up having
other upstream reviewers notice a regression using gdb that we didn't
notice before we submitted a kernel change.

> Please point at some built or easily buildable kernel .rpm first.



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