On 08/19, Roland McGrath wrote:
> > Wait. It doesn't break this. It only breaks -EALREADY contract. And
> > I don't understand why this is bad.
> The -EALREADY contract lets you have a report_death callback that does all
> your cleanup and then returns UTRACE_DETACH.

I think this is possible without the current -EALREADY contract.

> To have that plan, you need a
> way for an asynchronous detach attempt to be excluded once report_death has
> begun, and for that asynchronous caller to know that's the situation.

The problem is, with the current conract detach is never simple if you
have report_death. You always have to synchronize with this callback.

But see below.

> It breaks the documented API.  I am of course open to changing the API.
> But we need to get completely clear on what the new range of plans we'll
> support is, and make the documentation and the implementation match.

Yes. I thought it makes sense to change the API and docs if we can improve
things, before utrace is widely used.

But OK, lets's forget about this.

> > Why? What is the point? What makes UTRACE_EVENT(DEATH) so special?
> > I do not see the logic at all.
> It is special because it is the last interesting event to a traditional
> user such as ptrace.  Hence it is attractive to write a report_death
> callback that returns UTRACE_DETACH "spontaneously", i.e. without an
> asynchronous caller (i.e. debugger thread) having requested the detach.

Sure. And this is still possible.

> > If ->report_death() does something which the caller of utrace_control()
> > should know, then they should take care of synchronization anyway.
> > With or without this patch, utrace_control(DEATH) can return 0 after
> > ->report_death() was already called.
> If your engine's report_death always returns UTRACE_DETACH, then
> utrace_control(UTRACE_DETACH) can never return 0 once report_death
> is about to be called nor any time thereafter.

I don't undestand this. OK, probably I missed something, this doesn't

> But, the current state of play from the broader perspective is that we
> really have no idea about the future viability of the utrace API.  I don't
> think it makes a lot of sense to put a great deal of effort into perfecting
> the corners of the API much further when we don't really have any good
> reasons to think that this API will be the basis of anything that survives
> in the long run.

Yes. I have to agree, this is good point.

So, lets forget about these changes, at least for now.

> The current focus of work is your ugdb prototype.  If some utrace changes
> make it greatly easier to get that to kind-of-working status, then they are
> worthwhile.

No. I didn't think about ugdb at all. I'll find the workaround for ugdb.
If nothing else, I can use utrace_engine_ops->release(). Or something else.

> If it
> works in practice but has disturbing robustness holes, it is OK to just
> comment that loudly now and move on to the next battle, IMHO.

OK, agreed.


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